EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
You will discover why, despite the few cases of deaths, sharks have the reputation of eating men. Models of human limbs with shark bite wounds will be visible to observe their characteristics.
It will be possible to enter and photograph yourself in the shark cage. Get a close-up look at the giant white shark, its jaws and mouth closing on its prey.
Among the most spectacular adaptations stands out the cookie cutter shark, capable of detaching biscuit-shaped pieces of meat in cetaceans and even in humans.
You will be able to observe the internal anatomy, discover how a shark is born, touch the skin, feel the scales.
At the end of the visit, you will understand how sharks turned from a great predator to a prey; and how many species are on the verge of extinction.
Space required: 200 - 500sqmt / 2,000 - 5,000sqft
1 x 40ft HC container or truck
Load-in: 5 days
Load-out: 3 days