EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
This educational exhibition deals with renewable energy sources and presents both the actual situation and the possibilities for drawing energy sources from our environment, as well as their return to nature. The 23 exhibits erected in an area covering 700 square meters (7, 532 sq. ft.) place strong emphasis on humanity's exploitation of energy and on the limits of individual energy resources. The exhibition covers several groups of topics dealing with biomass, solar, wind, nuclear, geothermal and water energy, and it provides information that covers a whole series of natural and technical felds of science to the visitors.
Special attention is paid to how certain energy sources are treated. It also informs the public about issues related to the energy resources on which humanity is dependent. Among the exhibits that are dedicated to energy distribution is a pumped-storage power plant, a model of a nuclear power station and an exhibit covering electricity distribution. Major emphasis is placed on energy savings and consumption.