EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
This exhibition should be displayed in a completely dark room, to be explored with torch lights.
Photographs from the Wendel Collection, a unique archive on ice age art consists of:
- 23 large cavity forming printed banners (tour)
- 8 replicas of various small art on the subject of"Images of Woman"
- 8 replicas of various small art on the subject of "Everywhere and on the Way"
- 1 large replic "Bisons of Tuc d'Aubert"
- Content for the showcase "Light" (flint, oil lamp, slate, wax, tinder sponge, pyrit, torch sticks)
- Content for the showcase "glacial colours" (ochre, haematit, red chalk, charcoul,brush, shell, flint, slate, limestone)
- audiotexts and showcases texts
- 20 min intriguing film material
- multimedia application in German and English
Other technical information
The exhibition is without lighting and showcases.