EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
Coffee makes the world go round
Coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world.
From cultivation and trade to processing and consumption,
coffee connects millions of people around the globe.
Although many of us drink coffee every day, we know surprisingly
little about this multifaceted and fascinating beverage.
The exhibition presents historical developments, informs about
technological and scientific advancements and offers insights into
the current issues facing one of our favorite drinks.
At the heart of the exhibition are the manifold interdependencies
inherent in coffee: a natural product, yet highly engineered and
economised; handicraft-based, yet a globalised mass product;
a social lubricant, yet also a means of distinction; a source of
everyday pleasure, yet a culturally charged consumer good with
a revolutionary social history.
In addition to its biological base, visitors can explore
coffee’s unique chemical complexity. They can wander
through different global coffee cultures, gaining an
insight into different roasting techniques and the
the economics behind this multi-billion-dollar industry.
From the open space at the centre of Cosmos Coffee,
the exhibition fans out into five sections covering
biology, chemistry, technology, economics and culture.
Each section can be explored either as part of a tour or
according to personal interest.
Tour History
Deutsches Museum Munich, 4.7.2019-6.9. 2020 (391,000 visitors)
State Museum of Natural History Karlsruhe, 7.10.2020-6.6.2021