EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.
BODY WORLDS RX is designed to explore the intricate biology and physiology of human health and the dramatic effects of disease. The exhibition will inspire audiences to embrace preventive healthcare through an informative and entertaining presentation, of the latest research on top health issues.
BODY WORLDS exhibits have been known to have had powerful and lasting effects on visitors, BODY WORLDS RX is a continuation and distillation of this idea. Its objective is to empower the visitor to keep and adopt health habits that are easy to integrate into daily routines.
The specimens on display stem from a body donation program established by Dr. Gunther von Hagens, inventor of the Plastination process and creator of the BODY WORLDS exhibitions.
To date the donation program includes more than 15,000 registered individuals.
Each specimen is dissected for optimal teaching and learning. The variety of specimens on display is ideal for all ages and all levels of interest in anatomy.
BODY WORLDS RX can be accommodated in museums, universities and other public spaces.