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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News & Publications

News 9 January 2019
ERC = Science2 stand

The ERC=Science² frontier research on Artificial Intelligence (A.I) is arriving to Paris on 19-20 January. ERC researchers will take over their fablab to share the work they are doing on this amazing field of research. Besides La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie has prepared a weekend full of activities for visitors of all ages to discover the amazing possibilities A.I. and robotics offers. 

News 8 January 2019
Europlanet banner Deadline

Have you run a successful outreach project for which you deserve some recognition? Or are you looking for funding to kickstart an outreach project related to planetary science? Apply by 31 January

News 8 January 2019

At Techniquest, Cardiff (UK). Apply by 18 January

News 8 January 2019
Logo EU Green Week 2019

The application procedure for #EUGreenWeek 2019 Partner events is now open. Apply by 15 March 2019.

News 19 December 2018

If your session has been accepted, it's now time to roll up your sleeves!

News 14 December 2018

At the University of West-England, Bristol, United Kingdom. Apply by 31 January 2019.

News 14 December 2018

On 13 November 2018, the European Commission invited 23 experts to a one day workshop on how to best involve citizens in the co-creation of Horizon Europe missions.

News 14 December 2018
Science Gallery Dublin

Throughout December 2018 and January 2019, kick-off workshops will take place at SISCODE co-creation labs around Europe. These internal events launch the first phase of the co-creation labs journey, in which each lab will design and plans its co-creation journey.

News 14 December 2018

SySTEM 2020: Science learning outside the classroom is happy to present its very first newsletter to you. It's more than just project updates, it's all the latest developments in the field of out-of-school learning. Perhaps you have been confused by all these terms, like we have, formal/informal or nonformal? Which one is which and what is the difference? For the last few months, we have been trying to figure this out.

News 11 December 2018

The communication of SySTEM 2020 is like the modern completion of Alexandre Dumas’ battle cry in The Three Musketeers. We believe that partnership between people who want to contribute to the same aim needs to be promoted – internally and externally. It's with this idea in mind that we at Ecsite have decided to kick-start SySTEM 2020 communications campaign. On social media, we wanted to connect our partners and our target audience with our mission - to promote science learning outside the classroom.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #42, March 2025

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