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Spokes is edited by Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. 
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Five institutions share tried and tested ways of re-imagining our science centres and museums, while ensuring they remain Covid-secure.

Can't touch this

Marie Hobson

Ecsite thanks the writers who have generously contributed to this issue of Spokes. Have an idea for Spokes? Check out the contributors' guide and get in touch.

Spokes is the monthly digital magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. It is put together by the Spokes Editorial Committee:

Maria Xanthoudaki, Head of Education and International Relations, Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, Italy – Chairperson
Helen Wilks, Communications and Events Officer, Ecsite, Brussels, Belgium – Editor
Michèle Antoine, Director of Exhibitions, Universcience, Paris, France 
Andrea Bandelli, Executive Director, Science Gallery International, Dublin, Ireland
Alexandra Canet Font, Researcher Engagement Coordinator, Wellcome Genome Campus, Cambridge, UK
Emily Cronin, Partnerships Manager, Cultural & Commercial Partnerships, Science Museum Group, London, UK 
Raquel da Cunha, Communications and Events Manager, Ecsite, Brussels, Belgium
Wiktor Gajewski, Events Director, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw, Poland
Marie Hobson, Learning and Audience Research Manager, Natural History Museum in London, UK
Frank Kupper, Assistant Professor of Science Communication, Athena Institute - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Matteo Merzagora, Director, TRACES, Paris, France.

Responsible editor: Catherine Franche, Executive Director for Association européenne des expositions scientifiques, techniques et industrielles, aisbl

Frequency: monthly since April 2015 - issue 69, December 2020

Copyright: reproduction in whole or in part of any article in this magazine is prohibited without permission from Ecsite