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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Equity & Inclusion
Anna SchaefersAmparo Leyman PinoElizabeth RasekoalaGabriele ZipfMariam BachichRilando June LamadjidoGeorgina YoungAlexandra AlberdaCraig RitchieTibisay Sankatsing NavaCaroline TurreDevina LobineMicah ParzenEva Trujillo

Commitment: Equity & inclusion

After a first session on decolonising museums at the 2019 Ecsite Conference 2019 in Copenhagen and a webinar for Ecsite Online in 2020, we would like to continue the discussion:...

Research, theory & evaluation
Bernadette DecristoforoJana HawigRick Martin SpringerBernadette SchrandtJuliana Restrepo

Conservation of nature, working with death, the time span of the evolution of man and capturing the ‘genius loci’ of a site - four different exhibition topics with one similarity: they are hard to display. The choice of exhibition techniques can...

Research, theory & evaluation
Christina ClassenClaudia GorrVesa LepistöClayton Cutajar

The idea for this session is to talk about data that render practical changes in our science centres or museums. To be precise, it's about evaluation data – mostly quantitative but to a certain extent also qualitative. The sticking point is to...

Get ready for an exciting selection of events. Make sure you’re here at 17.15 CEST to start the evening’s Not-so-Nocturne, where you'll get a glimpse of what is to follow (and how to get there).

Get active with scientific baking, enjoy a...
