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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Networking & Partnerships
Barbara StreicherAntonia CaolaBernard AlauxLaurence Muller

How do science centres link with the innovation sector (companies, research institutions, etc.)? Do we go beyond treating partners as potential sponsors by inviting them as active subjects in shaping our content? Do we convey to our audiences...

Networking & Partnerships
Grace KimbleSavita Custead

Biodiversity invaded the media space in 2010. Many messages surrounded us; endangered species, climate change, proliferation, preservation… But how do scientists study biodiversity in the field and in the lab? How do species relate to each other...

Science & Arts
Ed SobeyEd SobeyANNA PORROGiorgia Bellentani

This panel aims to show some innovative approaches linking art, science, and creativity for kids and schools. The connection between art and science is developed on a double track process: through a hands-on method – typical of the teaching of...

Jamie BellTanja van der WoudeGabriel PicotPriya Mohabir

Informal science centres are great places to use media in education and training. In this session we will highlight informal science initiatives that promote digital and media competence at different levels of education. Participants will have an...

Explainers & visitor services
Gunnar BehrensIan RussellIrena CieślińskaAnna Schaefers

You only have so much time to help visitors understand how to use an exhibit before they turn away in fustration. How can 3D design, graphics and text be used to help visitors engage with your exhibit without patronizing or asking too much of...


Thanks to online social media such as blogs, social networks, or curating tools (like scoop.it), lots of news has been published, commented, re-published, re-commented, etc. One no longer needs to graduate from journalism school to be a science...

Networking & Partnerships
Alain COINEAlain COINESharon AmentMaría Menéndez

Some enterprises, institutions and research centres want, through science centers, to promote scientific and technical culture to the general public and in particular to the youth and wish to have key issues, challenges and themes addressed in a...

Human Resources
Julie MoskalykOlle NordbergJulie MoskalykStephen Pizzey

Travelling exhibitions have many challenges. What happens when borrowing and lending parties have different expectations regarding prices? Is there a risk of important information being lost in translation? What are standard staffing and...

Science in Society
Kati TyystjärviLiisa JuustilaJulie MoskalykDRONEAU PHILIPPE

The role of a science centre in its local community is a many-sided issue. Recently it has been discussed in connection to PLACES, a European project developing a common platform for science centres and museums, local actors and citizens....

Hannu Salmi

According to the literature, science centres tend to achive meaningful motivational and learning results among school groups only if teachers have prepared for the visit using both pre- and post-visit materials. Teacher training is key in this...

Science in Society
Catherine FrancheRichard TuffsTim CaultonAntonio Gomes da Costa

Science centres and museums are becoming instrumental in the economic, cultural and social development of cities. This broad impact of science communication institutions will be discussed based on three presentations. First, a look at the role...

Exhibit development
Baerbel Auffermann

This session will present examples of attempts to exhibit huge spans of time. What media and exhibits are used to demonstrate great temporal distances, for example in dinosaur shows, history museums or archaeological exhibitions. Are the...
