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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Marketing & communication

In 399 BC, Socrates was condemned to death for attempting to ”corrupt the young” in teaching philosophy and reason based on observation. In the 1970s and 80s, education on “risky behaviour” focused on alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. Perhaps today...

Marketing & communication

Museums are meeting places. Spaces to enhance socialisation are then necessary. Museums’ shops and restaurants respond to this need. They help reinforce the fascination of cultural institutions and give allure to merchandises and the buying...

Exhibit development

There are many communication products on sustainable development, bringing all sorts of media into play. The theme is the focus of government announcements, advertising by big industrial groups and communication by political parties, among others...

Operations & finance

Today we live in a complex society, where our “liquid modernity” shakes the old clear-cut separation between scientific knowledge and humanities, melting them together in one culture. What are the risks and benefits of moving away...

Science & Arts

When science relates to culture such as food, music, sports, traditional events, etc. then it can be more relevant to people. We will explore potentially (un)successful original examples from France, Austria and Japan. How can we initiate...


It is not always easy to transmit the evolution of the role of museums: not only places of research, education and exhibitions but also places of dialogue. This is particularly necessary for experts of science communication such as journalists....

Operations & finance

Thomas Edison reportedly made over a thousand unsuccessful attempts to create a lightbulb before hitting the solution that worked. A constructive approach to failure is recognised as a key factor in innovative organisations. This session invites...

Science in Society

In this interactive session, many speakers briefly present examples of competitions they have run. Speakers and audience then engage in a live discussion involving reflection, philosophy and physical movement. Everyone is invited to propose their...

Science in Society

From the times when astronomical knowledge was based on naked eye observation to the 21st century, when huge scientific instruments reveal the diversity of the far universe, imagination and dreams are still at the heart of sky observation,...


Four different approaches will be presented where science centres promote innovative training courses for school teachers, offer workshops and outreach in schools as well as at the science centres. Questions will be addressed, such as how...

Local governments (municipalities, regional governments, etc.) and science centres or museums could collaborate to set up networks in order to develop complex projects aimed at an extensive public. For instance, they could promote educational or...


This workshop offers a firsthand experience of the numerous education and engagement resources on nanotechnology developed by three European projects: NANO TO TOUCH, Time for Nano and Nanoyou. Experiments, demonstrations and programmess designed...
