Almost every day, we read about a new platform for gaming, alternate realities or immersive experiences. In this ever-shifting technology landscape, how do informal learning organisations keep up? Frequently without the in-house financial and development resources of for-profit corporations, they find themselves behind the technology curve, questioning points-of-entry, sustainability and returns on investment. Key decision areas often focus on selecting the “best” platform for any narrative, building scalable projects, and applying frameworks for project development. Often forgotten but critical to the process is the selection of measures for success.
In this workshop, speakers offer mini-sessions to explore the value of design thinking and prototyping, inviting participants to critique presented prototypes and develop prototypes on their own on STEM and social/societal themes.
More about this session:
Mini-sessions are offered on the following:
1. Recruiting creative partners
2. Applying design thinking to museum and science centre-based technologies
3. Prototyping, with emphasis on failing quickly and the MVP (minimal viable product)
4. Developing rubrics for evaluation
5. How to speak 'tech' with contractors.