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Tackling Artificial Intelligence communication

AI and robotics are rapidly changing our societies and this is having major consequences in the way citizens foresee the changes to their everyday lives. There is a wide consensus that AI technologies will profoundly change the world as we know it today and expectations range from great optimism to real fear. Science engagement organisations currently face the challenge of involving citizens in discussions over the ethical implications that these changes are having and will have; not an easy task!

Researchers from the European Research Council will give mini-lectures and work with participants on how to communicate this thought-provoking topic. The experienced speakers will discuss the implications, social necessities and how to bridge the world of ERC grantees, researchers and science engagement. Come and join a unique occasion to tackle an important societal challenge.


Director of Education and of the Centre of Research in Informal Learning

Session speakers

Coordinator of the Science Communication Office
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
The specificities of a science engagement work with ERC grantees researchers.
Head of Public Engagement
Sara Calcagnini will present and discuss the training for researchers that MUST developed during 2016 together with the Cariplo Foundation. This successful experience has led to a follow-up that will start in 2020 and that will include a research study by Observa.
Dr. Jochen Viehoff
The HNF aims not only to present the past but also to link it to the present and the future. AI and robotics have been represented in the museum since its opening in 1996. The exhibition was recently updated by the new section "Man, robots", also displaying historic objects and enabling visitors to engage interactively with AI and intelligent robots. Against this backdrop, Jochen plans to discuss important aspects that need to be considered when exhibiting AI like reliability or accessibility.
Art Director Concept
Archimedes Exhibition Gmbh
Julia will present and discuss a didactical and scenographical concept for a touring exhibition on AI (AI and YOU). From the designers perspective, she will talk about the idea of creating an atmosphere for open communication and productive exchange by focussing on the visitor and his everyday life for the visitors journey through the exhibition. But she will also discuss the problems the team was facing by common preconceptions and expectations in the context of exhibiting AI and why breaking with them and surprising the user sometimes might be a good idea.
Communications Manager
European Research Council
Tony will present and discuss the role of the European Research Council in nurturing the collaborations between researchers and science engagement practitioners.
