In this session, we will explore what “scientific culture” means for science communication institutions: Is it a form of culture, specific to scientists and researchers that science centres and museums should make available to their audiences? Or is it more related to scientific literacy and empowering citizens? How does scientific culture relate to two operational models we have been using in the field of science communication: Public Understanding of Science and Public Engagement with Science and Technology? To what extent are science centres and museums different from schools in dealing with the notion of scientific culture? Are we the ideal places to foster the development of scientific culture in social contexts? Finally, data concerning Cities of Scientific Culture which is emerging from the PLACES project will be discussed.
Suzanne de Cheveigné Senior Researcher CNRS / Centre Norbert Elias, France
Ilan Chabay Director of the Göteborg Center for Public Learning and Understanding of Science Chalmers University of Technology / Göteborg University Sweden
Vladimir de Semir Director Science Communication Observatory / University Pompeu Fabra Spain