The development and implementation of innovative approaches in research and evaluation is essential for improving the experience of our visitors. How can we think outside-the-box? How can we collaborate with colleagues from different departments and institutions? How can we realise a visitor oriented focus? The new Thematic Group for Research and Evaluation (REV) was launched last year and marked expanding interest in this vital field. This two-day interactive workshop is for everyone interested in research and evaluation who wishes to develop and discuss innovative and collaborative ideas for practice. Keynote speaker Dr. Marion Poetz will discuss research in user innovation. Guests from the Visitor Studies Group (UK) and Committee on Audience Research and Evaluation (USA) will contribute. Time will be set aside for participants to nominate and elect the REV steering committee and other roles as necessary. Depending on interest a concurrent session Evaluation 101 for beginners will also be offered. Please visit the REV website for the full programme.
Speaker: Marion Poetz, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark