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Developing inquiry-based workshops for high-school students

Many science centres and out-of-school learning labs offer hands-on workshops for (high-school) students in addition to their interactive exhibitions.

A common challenge is to find the right balance between open inquiry and "cookbook" type experiments to maximise the lifetime of the equipment, the motivational outcome through self-directed learning, and the learning gain through cognitively engaging activities. At the same time, we want to keep the effort of tutors/workshop leaders at a reasonable level.

How can we find this balance? What makes a good (or bad) workshop? How do we know our workshop is good?

Participants to this whole-day workshop will have to get their hands dirty to find answers to these questions.

A detailed programme can be found here.


Science Gateway Education Lab Coordinator
Image of Tania Johnston, Head of ESO Supernova
Head of ESO Supernova
Garching bei München

Session speakers

Assistant professor informal science education
Leiden University
Anne will provide a theoretical basis for thinking about and evaluating hands-on/inquiry-based activities in science centres. This will strengthen the exchange of good and bad practices with a more theoretical framework.
Postdoctoral researcher ETH Zurich
Hanne will provide a workshop example to analyse.
Freddy grip
Lead Developer
Vetenskapens Hus (House of Science)
Freddy will provide a workshop example to analyse.
Education Coordinator
Garching bei München
Wolfgang will provide a workshop example to analyse.
Science Gateway Education Lab Coordinator
Julia developed the hands-on learning laboratory S'Cool LAB at CERN, which currently offers 6 different inquiry-based particle physics workshops for high-school students (16-18y) from all around the world. Through hands-on experimentation students get insights into the physics and technology of the world's largest particle physics laboratory. Following predict-observe-explain tasks, students are confronted with common misconceptions about particle physics. Participants will have the opportunity to experience and analyse one of S'Cool LAB's most popular workshops.
