It is not always easy to co-produce an exhibition with colleagues from another institution, but with visitors…! Isn’t it a nightmare (espacially with children or teenagers!)? How do you go about it? What are the benefits? What are the pitfalls?
This session's speakers have been involved in producing co-created exhibitions, and will tell you fair and square how it is. They will share their advice in case you are thinking of trying this adventure (or is it the future for all of us?).
Plenty of time will be dedicated to discussion between participants and speakers, so come and share your experiences, doubts, fears…
Session speakers
Programme Manager
Science Gallery Dublin
The Science Gallery has a long-standing experience of not only co-creating exhibitions with visitors (often teenagers), but also with artists! The results are thought-provoking exhibitions! There is a video about their experience that can be checked here:
Exhibition Manager
The process of co-creating a temporary exhibition about Inclusion is currently running at the Universum in Bremen. The approach is launched in a cooperation between the science center and Martinsclub, an institution providing services for handicapped people. In order to develop the exhibition around 50 persons from a general public and with different backgrounds were found. In eight groups they worked on specific topics and sections of the exhibition.
Project Manager MegaMind, new Science Center 2015
Co-creation and co-curation can be very rewarding, and in fact essential, for a good result.
The cooperations with around 500 children, with focus on accessibility, have been a crucial part in the developmental process of the new science center, MegaMind. Without their input, it would have been difficult to achieve the positive end result that we did. The pros and cons of using co-creation is not a question of whether or not it shall be used, but rather a question of “what,” “how” and “why.”
Projet Leader
Exploradôme/Association Savoir Apprendre
In October the Exploradome opened an exhibition on Air > first in a series of exhibition co-created with citizens on societal impacts of science and technology. This experience will be shared and discussed.
Creative Director
Waag Society
To be able to focus on real needs of real people, medialab Waag Society puts co-creation very central in her design process. In Waag’s approach the process of ‘making’ is crucial, as creative activities can help to go ‘beyond’ words and inspire new approaches. In projects such as meSch digital solutions are devised together with cultural heritage professionals and audiences. In the RICHES project a toolkit is developed to help heritage institutions to strategically design their co-creation strategies