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BradIrwinHead of Global EngagementNatural History MuseumI have spent my career in informal learning institutions championing educational programmes for various audiences. I have been at the Natural History Museum since 2008, previously leading the face-to-face teams including the Science Educators, Volunteers and their associated management. I am now responsible for our global exhibitions, events, partnerships and diplomacy. I have previously worked as a schoolteacher; art interpreter and university lecturer, and am a published author having written a children’s book on contemporary art as well as articles on informal learning. I have a MEd and am currently completing my doctorate in museology at King’s College London.Contact details
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DachaAtienzaHead of Scientific AreaNatural Sciences Museum BarcelonaAs the Head of Scientific Area at the Natural Sciences Museum of Barcelona, my main duty is to set the strategic direction of the Museum's scientific activities. I am helping the scientific team demonstrate measurable outcomes and impact of our research, not only in terms of high impact scientific publications but also in terms of engagement with society, making our scientists active players in our public activities. I’m also in charge of our main citizen science project, BioBlitzBcn, a long term project (ten years now) that involves citizens and specialists to create an urban biodiversity list. Finally, I’m actively involved in the Museum's gender group and also part of a working group of women in science and technology that started as an advisory group to the Catalonian government and has evolved into a lobby group. I joined the Ecsite Conference's Programme Committee as an expert in summer 2019.Contact details
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Dobrivoje LaleEricHead of Department of International CooperationCenter for the Promotion of ScienceI’ve been working at the CPN in Belgrade since 2011. My main focus nowadays is on the development of a multidisciplinary approach and response to climate issues and artificial intelligence, as two defining and determining challenges and opportunities of our time. I’ve also been working on multiple national and European projects and initiatives dealing with research policies, STE(A)M education and art & science practices. My background is in Art History (at least formally) and I previously worked at the Museum of Science and Technology and Mod’Art High School, both in Belgrade, after getting diverse experiences in modern architecture research, publishing, translation and advertising. I’m also, quite proudly, a member of the Future Studies Programme Committee of the Belgrade Open School. I joined the Programme Committee of the Ecsite Conference in autumn 2019.Contact details
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VasylDunetsDeputy Director for Science Centers Development and International Strategic ProjectsNational Centre "Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine"I am a Deputy Director for Science Centers Development and International Strategic Projects at the National Centre "Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" (Kyiv, Ukraine). I am working on developing a network of science centers in Ukraine. I am also an Affiliate Director of the "Destination Imagination" Ukraine programme (Destination Imagination is the world's largest creative problem-solving programme). My background is in law and international relations. I studied in Ukraine and Poland. I hold a Ph.D. in political science and wrote my dissertation on the political culture of young people in Ukraine and Poland. My research focuses on science education, science centres and science museums, and science communication. I am interested in political culture, citizenship and education as objects of research too.Contact details
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Maria JoãoFonsecaHead of Communication / Director of the Hall of Biodiversity - Ciência Viva CenterNatural History and Science Museum of the University of PortoWith a background in animal biology and biology teaching and a PhD in science education and communication, I am currently Interim Executive Coordinator and Head of Communication at the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto and Director of the Ciência Viva Center Hall of Biodiversity. I am in charge of general administration and of coordinating and promoting science communication and outreach activities. I have been involved in the design and evaluation of formal and informal educational activities, teacher training, and outreach initiatives for all sorts of audiences. Also, I am currently part of the team responsible for the reconstruction of the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto.Contact details
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MairéadHurleyAssistant Professor in Science EducationTrinity College DublinI’m an educator and researcher at the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin. I was the Principal Investigator of the European Commission-funded project SySTEM 2020 which examined science learning outside the classroom in 19 countries across Europe (2018-2021). I hold a PhD in astronomy and have experience in the formal education system as a teacher of science and mathematics. In my previous role as Head of Research & Learning, Science Gallery at Trinity College Dublin, I oversaw the development of transdisciplinary art-science educational programmes and led a team of researchers and practitioners investigating the intersection between art and science in informal learning contexts. I joined the Ecsite Conference Annual Programme Committee as an expert in summer 2019.Contact details
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SheenaLaursenProgramme Manager - International Relations and LearningExperimentariumInspiring and motivating especially children and young people to engage in the world of science and engineering has been a major part of my career. As Programme Manager at Experimentarium my main focus of work has been strategically managing a portfolio of European projects and I have as such been in charge of many science learning projects and international relations. Furthermore, I have been involved in several initiatives aiming to motivate young people to engage in STEM with a specific focus towards engaging women. I am a passionate advocate of gender inclusion and member of the diversity interest group under Ecsite. Being a member of the ACPC committee since 2015 I have appreciated inspiring and thought provoking insights and discussions.Contact details
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DorothéeVatinelCuratorCité des sciences et de l'industrieI am Curator of the Exhibitions division, Exhibitions projects department, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Universcience), Paris, France. Originally an expert in children's exhibitions with a science background, I am now working on travelling shows and European projects. I am on the lookout for all kinds of museographical proposals, in science centres of course but also in art and societal museums. I advocate for the intellectual and cognitive comfort of all visitors, whether experts or novices.Contact details
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JurijKrpanArt Director at Kapelica GalleryZavod Kersnikova / Kersnikova InstituteI am an art director at Kersnikova Institute and a senior curator at Kapelica Gallery Ljubljana incepted in 1995. Kersnikova Institute is art space where Kapelica is a gallery for contemporary investigative art, Rampa technology creative collisions and getting experiences through the hands-on workshops thematising cohabitation of humans, animals plants and technology.Contact details
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2020 Conference host representativeUser profile
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ElinRavndal BellMarketing ManagerJaermuseetI have been the Marketing Manager at Jærmuseet since 2009 and have an overall responsibility for the museum's marketing and communication activities. I am also responsible for our sponsorships, and always on the look-out for new and creative partnerships and income sources. I graduated at La Trobe University, Australia, with a degree in Hospitality and Tourism. Before my current position, I worked as a project manager for an international event. Jærmuseet was supposed to, together with the Norwegian Petroleum museum, welcome the Ecsite family to Stavanger for the 2021 edition of the Ecsite Conference. Unfortunately that got cancelled due to Covid-19, but for nearly three years I had the pleasure of being a "host representative" in the Ecsite Annual Conference programme commitee.Contact details
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SiriVinjeHead of department, public and marketingNorsk Oljemuseum /Norwegian Petroleum MuseumI am Head of Department at the Norwegian Petroleum Museum/Norsk Oljemuseum. My background is from hotel, but I have worked at the Petroleum Museum since 2005. I am interested in how we as a museum welcome our guests, and the importance of working together with other museums, science centres and the travel industry. The Norwegian Petroleum museum will, together with Jærmuseet, welcome the Ecsite family to Stavanger for the 2021 edition of the Ecsite Conference. I am therefore a host representative in the Conference's Programme Committee.Contact details
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CatherineFrancheExecutive DirectorEcsiteI am the Executive Director of Ecsite. Under my leadership, the Ecsite Conference has grown to become the largest science engagement event in Europe and Ecsite has firmly established itself as a trend setting platform and as a key stakeholder on the European stage. Before I joined Ecsite in 2006, I was working for the Office de Coopération et d’Information Muséographiques (OCIM, France) as a Training coordinator. From 1992 to 1994, I was Professional development coordinator and then Executive director of the Société des Musées Québécois. I have also worked in architecture and art museums in Canada and managed cultural events such as jazz festivals. I hold an MBA in cultural management from HEC Montréal (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales).Contact details
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Raquelda CunhaStrategic Project ManagerEcsite(not updated just yet) My first Ecsite Conference was in Trento, Italy, and I will never forget this first encounter with science engagement family - bright, warm, familiar and so much fun! I'm Ecsite's Communications and Events Manager since January 2020 but I have been in Ecsite’s communications team since March 2015. Before Ecsite, I was a doctoral researcher in Neurobiology and I founded and organised Patients Meet Scientists, a platform to bring researchers and patients together.Contact details
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