fbpx Groundbreaking Ecsite reports bring citizens’ VOICES into EU research | Ecsite

Groundbreaking Ecsite reports bring citizens’ VOICES into EU research

The greatly-anticipated final outcomes are launched today for VOICES (www.voicesforinnovation.eu), Ecsite’s collaboration with the European Commission which demonstrates science centres and museums’ key role in Responsible Research and Innovation. 27 country reports and one overall EU report present VOICES key findings, showing for the first time on a truly European scale how citizens’ opinions can be systematically incorporated into EU research policy.

In synchronicity with the VOICES launch, the European Commission also releases the results of its latest high-profile Eurobarometer survey today (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-1075_en.htm). The poll shows that the majority of European citizens feel that research and innovation should incorporate public dialogue, but that citizens do not feel informed enough. The European Commission cites VOICES as a key part of its strategy to better engage citizens with research.

The VOICES EU-funded project is a year-long, Europe-wide consultation which has brought 1000 citizens together to explore the concept of waste as a resource. The results of the consultation are being used by the European Commission to define priorities for the upcoming Horizon 2020 work programme funding research and innovation on ‘Urban Waste’. It sets an innovative precedent for future consultations to be run by science centres and museums to inform government policy.

To mark the launch of the VOICES reports, science centres from across the Ecsite network are organising public events in Naples, Granada, Ljubljana, Grenoble and Lisbon in the coming days. The events are based on the Makers Faire format with a range of workshops, exhibitions and conferences looking deeper into the VOICES experiences.

Download the reports now in PDF format and find out more about the consultation process and public events on the VOICES website. www.voicesforinnovation.eu/phase_9_new.html


  • voices