fbpx Fisica in Moto at Science Festival, Genoa (Italy) | Ecsite

Fisica in Moto at Science Festival, Genoa (Italy)

Ducati Foundation and the interactive laboratory of physics “Fisica in Moto” will be at the Science Festival held in Genoa, Italy, from October 25th to November 4th.

Fisica in Moto (physics on motorcycles) is the interactive didactic physics laboratory created by Ducati Foundation, dedicated specifically to high school students. The laboratory will be exceptionally moved to Genoa to let everyone experience a fascinating way to discover the principles of physics through the beauty of the Ducati motorcycles.

Further details of the event will be available at: www.festivalscienza.eu Fisica in Moto website: http://www.ducati.com/fisica_in_moto/index.do


  • physics
  • Laboratory
  • Events