DESIRE (Disseminating Educational Science Innovation & Research in Europe) aimed at the development of best practice criteria and elaboration of new models of diffusion and exploitation of results in science education, pedagogical research results and innovative tools for science teachers. The project established a mechanism to better diffuse and exploit results from existing innovative science education approaches and research results from the LLP and national Ministries of Education. The project identified obstacles and facilitators and communicate this knowledge through recommendations and workshops for policy makers and project planners.
The project was coordinated by the European Schoolnet (EUN), based in Brussels, Belgium. A part for Ecsite, project partners include the Italian institution INDIRE, The Centre for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (CRECIM) of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, as well as the Dansk Naturvidenskabsformidling (Danish Science Communication).
The project was partially financed under the Life Learning Programme of the European Commission.
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You are a running a project resulting in a brilliant learning tool and want to tell the world about it? Open the “Reach Out Toolkit”: you will find advice on how to reach teachers, project managers, policy makers and event organisers and how to make your results sustainable. Includes handy annexes listing free tools and new ideas to disseminate your science project outcome and publicly accessible science education websites.