The central objective of the project was to pioneer accessible and qualified use of available digital resources about aquatic world in national gatherings.
The project addressed the cultural/scientific sector of marine and aquatic sciences with the aim at setting up a comprehensive digital content collection to integrate and harmonise original contents provided by science centres, natural history museums and aquariums in Europe. The portal can be accessed at
AquaRing was funded with support from the European Commission through the eContentplus programme and received funding under a grant no. 038261.
List of project partners
Aquarium of Genoa, Genoa, Italy (coordinator)
Nausicaa, Boulogne, France
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
Rotterdam Zoo, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Lithuanian Sea Museum, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Ecsite, the European Network for Science Centres and Museums
Softeco Sismat, Genoa, Italy
Fundación Robotiker, Zamudio, Spain
University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy