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In conversation with Anna Miętkowska

In February 2025, Ecsite sat down with Anna Miętkowska, Copernicus Science Centre’s Senior Sustainability Specialist. With a long career in sustainable development, Anna's current role marks her first experience working in an organisation that engages the public in science.

Hi Anna, thank you for speaking with us. Could you start by telling us a little about yourself?

I am a Senior Sustainability Specialist at Copernicus Science Centre, a position I shaped. In my free time, I enjoy exploring new places with my family, photographing nature, and practising vinyasa yoga.

What sparked your interest in sustainability?

Contact with nature has always been important to me. My passion for sustainability stems from a deep responsibility to create a liveable planet for current and future generations.

Did you plan a career in sustainability, or did it emerge another way?

I studied environmental engineering and worked as an environmental protection specialist. Initially, sustainability focused on reducing economic impacts on nature, but it has since evolved to focus on five main areas: people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. My career has followed this shift.

What essential skills should a Sustainability Specialist have?

Interdisciplinary knowledge, passion for sustainability, and familiarity with legal frameworks are crucial. Understanding environmental interdependencies and strong relationship-building skills are also essential.

What is a project you are most proud of?

I supervised the construction of an important building in Warsaw, ensuring that 40 trees were preserved and replanted elsewhere in the city. All have survived and now play a vital role in cooling urban spaces.

How do you impact sustainability at Copernicus Science Centre, host of the 2025 Ecsite Conference?

I support Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies, monitor sustainability targets, and build awareness among employees. This also includes active participation in the preparation of a sustainability action plan for the Ecsite 2025 event and the research and selection of a non-profit organisation as a grant beneficiary (NGO’s actions will lead to increased water retention, protection of biodiversity and reduction of CO2 emissions).

Do you have practical tips for integrating sustainability into work life?

The 2030 Agenda outlines 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to create a better world. The UN also offers 170 practical actions to combat climate change, providing a great starting point for individuals.

How do you see sustainability evolving?

The latest United Nations report shows that only sixteen percent of the SDGs targets are on track to be met globally by 2030, 84 percent showing limited progress or a reversal of progress. Therefore, we must intensify efforts to help future generations. Future focus will be on innovation, competitiveness, and decarbonisation.

Are there any projects you’re excited to work on?

I’m working on a project to increase biodiversity and sustainably manage rainwater in urban spaces - important steps for city resilience to climate change.

Thank you, Anna!

Find highlights of the many sustainable measures Copernicus Science Centre is implementing for the 2025 Ecsite Conference on Ecsite’s social media and newsletters.