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Project Showcase

16.06.2023 | 12:00 - 13:15

Friday 16 Jun 2023

Malta Experience Auditorium

Malta Experience Auditorium

Could an object describe your entire project?

The courageous speakers of this session will be taking on this challenge to tell you about their projects in an original and jargon-free style. Expect a two-minute story for each project, followed by 45 minutes of networking.

Join us to get a quick overview of ongoing non-profit science engagement actions and meet those behind the showcased collaborative initiatives.


Pere Vilanova Project Manager ECSITE
Project Manager

Session speakers

Ph.D. student at The University of Tartu, The Natural History Museum of Tartu, Founder of Nampaworks
University of Tartu
DOORS Project pilot - 3D scanning infrastructure for nature education and remote research: Discover innovative digitization methods for 3D scanning of vast museum collections. Learn about the challenges of capturing the intricate details of pinned insect specimens and how our six-axis system overcomes these issues. With a stationary specimen and a moving DSLR camera, we create high-quality 3D models using photogrammetry. These models can be 3D-printed for exhibits and educational purposes, or used to generate synthetic data for machine learning training. Join us to explore the future of museum digitization and its potential applications.
Scientific employee
DOORS Project pilot - Digital Audience Analysis: Audience Segmentation Based on Motivation - What motivation drives our audience to visit us and to use our digital museum offers? Thanks to funding from the EU project DOORS (Digital incubator fOR muSeums), Neanderthal Museum (Germany) is conducting a local study on visitor and user motivation. With guidance from The Audience Agency (UK) and within three consecutive cross-department workshops, eight motivation segments were defined for our museum’s audience. By analyzing the tracking data of the museum’s website and conducting online and onsite surveys, we gained new knowledge about various relevant motivations for our audience to visit us and use our digital services and content. We created new guidelines for similar research and more motivating analog and digital offers based on our research outcomes.
Scientific employee
A Virtual Ice Age Experience - The joint project „A Virtual Ice Age Experience” sends children (and grown-up children) out on an intuitive and interactive time journey: through a fascinating story, an open ice age world and lots of game elements, the animals of the mammoth steppe are brought back to life. By using the advantages of virtuality and combining them with low threshold access, we created a mobile game which is inclusive and easy to navigate. Within the project, we explore new ways of participation, audience analysis and development, and we are hoping to take our learnings from this project to a bigger stage and to realise a joint European project in the future.
Freelance and co-creation manager at BHT Berlin state university of applied sciences
Cascading Debates, from local perspectives to global decision-makers - With this format, we want to create cycles of debate by cascading perspectives - challenges, insights, knowledge, questions and recommendations for action - from local communities into structured discussions with multiple stakeholders. Those perspectives are then transported into higher-level discussions at the Falling Walls Science Summit. Afterwards, feedback loops take expert thoughts back into communities and create calls for action on global challenges. We encourage science engagement professionals, museums and other public spaces to join our Cascading Debates initiative.
Center for the Promotion of Science
Climateurope2 - Climate information plays a fundamental role in achieving a green recovery and climate neutrality in Europe, and a central one for a climate-resilient Europe. As the number and diversity of actors that make up the landscape of climate services keep growing and continuously evolving, new challenges appear. Climateurope2 works to develop procedures and recommendations while supporting and bringing together this community. Festivals, webstivals, art installations and roadshows are planned all over Europe.
International cooperation
SECURE - Researchers are the heart of research and are fundamental contributors to knowledge economies in Europe. The Sustainable Careers for Researcher Empowerment (SECURE) project aims to address the challenges they face in their careers by creating, trialling, implementing, and mainstreaming a common Research Career Framework. This will support organisations in the recruitment, employment, training, development, progression, and mobility of researchers with the aim of improving research careers and reducing career precarity.
Judith Feichtinger
Researcher, project coordination
Centre for Social Innovation [ZSI - GmbH]
Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean-Energy Transition (EC2) - Energy security and climate crisis are firmly on the European agenda. Energy citizenship and energy communities can help citizens cut costs while consuming cleaner, locally-produced energy - as well as weaving stronger and more resilient communities - but barriers remain to increased uptake. The project EC2, which we present, follows a transdisciplinary approach, where researchers closely collaborate with practice partners from energy communities and municipalities, to understand what makes such communities thrive and allow the development of an energy-citizenship academy.
Communications Officer
European Science Foundation
OTTER - With proven positive cognitive, affective, interpersonal, and behavioural effects, out-of-school educational settings such as outdoor activities, field trips, museums, scientific centres, community settings, and enhanced digital learning have the potential to increase young people’s interest in scientific topics and STEAM. OTTER is developing Education Outside the Classroom (EOC) methods and pedagogies and investigating how EOC can help improve the acquisition of scientific knowledge and transferable skills in students, specifically in the field of environmental sustainability. Its outputs? A specific EOC programme (“Labs”) to teach STEAM subjects, with a specific focus on plastic waste and recycling, a Hub to connect experts, and accreditation guidelines.
Senior Project Manager
Road-STEAMer - This EU-funded project is developing a STE(A)M roadmap for science education in Horizon Europe to guide EU's key funding programme on how to encourage more interest in STEM through the use of artistic approaches, involving creative thinking and applied arts and with an emphasis on bridging open science with open schooling; co-creation with the relevant stakeholder communities in science education, research, innovation and creativity; a bottom-up approach underlining practitioner agency.
Senior Project Manager
STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) project - STE(A)M Learning Ecologies is an EU-funded project (Horizon Europe) developing engaging open schooling-enabled science learning paths for all in learning continuums of formal and informal learning environments that are also focusing on inclusiveness.
Experience Designer, Creative Technologist and Researcher | Marie Curie Fellow ChromDesign ITN
Carla Molins Pitarch
ChromDesign: An innovative and interdisciplinary network of 10 European academic and private institutions have been working to characterize how 3D chromatin organization affects gene regulation during cellular differentiation and in several human disorders. The innovation of this network is to have a design research project exclusively dedicated to finding new ways to communicate by bringing the labs' complexity to the street in the form of an exhibition and interactive experience about the genome. This is a unique framework for developing new projects on science outreach, engagement, and communication. The potential of this kind of project is evident in the 10 different ways of approaching this challenge, one of them being a 2.5 m height incredible Kinetic Phygital DNA experience. Do you want to know more?
Education programme director at Blue World Institute
Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation
Veli Lošinj
Islands in the Sea of Knowledge - The idea behind the project is to enable equal STEM education opportunities for children and youth in remote island communities with limited access to science centres and museums. The activities of the project vary, from 'train the trainers', to developing new innovative education tools and working with children and youth to organizing public events in local communities. Hopefully, this project showcase presentation will inspire and encourage some participants to empower similar remote communities in their countries.
ENJOI - The ENJOI project explores how we can communicate science in the best possible way. We are working with science communicators and journalists across Europe to create a set of standards for excellent science communication. During the project showcase, a pitch for the ENJOI Manifesto for excellent science communication will be made.
Meet the European Citizen Science - Organizations representing a wide diversity of stakeholders have joined forces to create the capacity, structure, and connections to widen and strengthen the European citizen science community and establish citizen science as a recognized, promoted and funded approach. The four-year EU-funded project European Citizen Science will create capacity-building opportunities, provide open collaborative spaces where citizen scientists can familiarise themselves with open science principles, engage public libraries to attract underrepresented publics, as well as provide support to countries and regions which lack citizen science networks, platforms and policy recognition.
Research Support Officer
University of Malta
VARCITIES - This EU-funded project is focused on implementing nature-based solutions and evaluating their impact on cities together with citizens, field experts and other stakeholders. Based on feedback collected from stakeholder workshops and citizen engagement events, community events are being organised with different NGOs, artists and educators as a placemaking activity in Gzira, Malta. Air pollution measurements, questionnaires as well as other data collection tools are being carried out as part of the research.
Festival co-ordinator and Science Communication Practitioner and Researcher
University of Malta
SciCultureD - In a world of 'wicked problems' that require multi-layered solutions, co-creation between disciplines emerges as an essential step to find solutions fitting to all levels of society. SciCultureD is an Erasmus+ project trying to envision solutions to society's pressing issues, specially the climate crisis and its social and ethical implications, through a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach. Design Thinking and creative pedagogies have been used in SciCultureD to design a variety of tools and training opportunities, such as a transnational 5-day course that teach participants to listen, communicate and collaborate in a multi-cultural and multi-skilled environment, and the CourseKit, a playful tool for educators and course developers to equip students with the tools to face the needs of the world (be it professional, social or personal).
Programme Manager
Lloyd's Register Foundation
United Kingdom
The Lloyd’s Register Foundation and its Heritage Education Centre has been working with the National Maritime Museum (NMM) in London over the past five years to promote safety at sea and to shine a light on maritime contemporary challenges. Through this collaboration, the programme has funded a full-time curatorial position, Curator of Contemporary Maritime, who was appointed to produce an engaging programme to highlight the Museum’s collections that would promote the message on maritime safety. The programme has produced several exhibitions, events, and updates to the Museum’s collections. Further collaboration is anticipated between LRF and NMM, with future ideas to have the programme upscaled and further developed.
Public Engagement Associate
United Kingdom
Most teenagers are focused on a subject that is much more important than science: themselves. Fair enough! The Airbus Foundation developed for them the Guide to Become Yourself, a self-development booklet for teenagers tackling topics such as empathy, self-care or changing the world. Oh wait, it also includes parts on critical thinking, biases or disinformation... and it is loaded with examples and stories from science and engineering. Finding who you are and who you want to be may actually draw you closer to science than expected!

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