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Design for everyone: tackling inequalities

Credit WAAG

Since our recent excursion to the past we meet again to continue our plans for the future. This week we hear from a number of speakers who will share new tools that can be used to give communities an access point to express themselves and be heard. This will provide us with inspiration and awareness helping us to concretise our future learning scenarios we began to form in the previous week.

Outcomes from this event

  • Discover what forces are helping or hindering our transformation towards a more equitable space
  • Hear from three organisations on how they empowered deep reflection and social justice in young learners
  • Completed Phase 2 of the Futures Thinking journey: where we tease apart the pull of the future, the push of the present and the weight of the past


Mairead Hurley


  • Aris Papadopoulos
  • Urksa Spitzer
  • Sophie Perry

Please note that this session will run from 15.00-17.00 CET.


  • informal science learning
  • SySTEM2020
  • #ecsiteworkrooms
  • Ecsite Workroom


Imagining futures for informal learning

How then do we make sure that the informal science learning sector works in pursuit of justice and equity? How do we empower a diverse generation to be resilient agents of change, who realise a socially just world? We are inviting you to tackle these questions with us with the help of design fiction, whereby we speculate what kind of future we hope for by interrogating the past and the present.