The SISCODE project has the objective to analyse the process of co-creation and explore how bottom-design-driven methodologies can be used to design better policies.
After the Consortium meeting held in Copenhaguen, where we met three Danish policymakers to discuss different ways of involving policymakers in experimenting with innovative ways of conceiving policies, our partners were now ready to start their series of workshops with their local policymakers.
In the past weeks, various workshops have already taken place all over Europe and more are to come soon!
UCL - University College London
Last month, UCL held a workshop with local policymakers to talk about a pop-up shop that engages the local community on issues related to the climate.
Science Gallery Dublin
Science Gallery Dublin was delighted to host Mental Health Reform with Women in Research Ireland last week the leading national coalition for mental health in Ireland, who offered an overview of the current issues within Ireland's mental health services and next steps to improving support.
Traces has gathered a transdisciplinary co-design team which kicked off the prototyping phase of its journey on 27th January. The challenge : finding what happens when we produce a cultural artefact whose public is an AI or artificial agent. It has iterated on 10th of March with a workshop inviting policy makers of the Ile de France Region. It took place at the cultural venue La Maison des Métallos where a brief play « Hamlet at the gym with MTV » was performed and observed by 10 people and 10 artificial agents. Next step, a full day prototyping on 21st of April.