fbpx Nanotech in the EU: an overview | Ecsite

Nanotech in the EU: an overview

  • June 2019
  • Education & learning
  • Topics in science
  • Report

Few new technologies today are as promising as nanotechnology – or, for many, as intimidating. The most important shifts, after all, always require the most adaptation and have the greatest impact on society, and therein lies their potential – not least of which is the possibility of an increased role for science centres, science museums and other science-society interfaces in nanotechnology developments.

But any such work first requires a good understanding of what is happening already, shared between all stakeholders involved so as to put them all on the same page. This is that page: here, you’ll find NANO2ALL’s full reports on the current state of nanotech in the EU – from policy to societal impacts – as well as on the public perception of nanotechnology in Europe.

So, whether you are a science engagement organisation planning an event on nanotechnology, a researcher in the field, a policymaker looking for data or simply a concerned citizen, you are welcome to use these resources and thereby further your own projects. Good reading!

Public resource


  • nano2all
  • nanotechnology
  • emerging technologies
  • europe
  • EU
  • governance



What are benefits and risks of advancing nanotechnology research? What are the expectations and concerns of the different people impacted by the development of this fast-growing field? Could we gather this knowledge and design recommendations to shape future policies that will drive these advancements in a more responsible way? This is what NANO2ALL was about: promoting mutual learning, informed dialogue and societal engagement in responsible nanotechnology.