Andrew Whittington-Davis
Last week on the 6th of February, Ecsite was in Strasbourg, France, kicking off a new EU funded Horizon 2020 project. Introducing, GRACE, a three-year project coordinated by the European Science Foundation aiming to embolden research institutions to adopt Responsible Research and Innovations (RRI). RRI is an approach that moves innovation towards being an interactive process between many different publics in society, from practicing scientists to the outside world.
So, how does GRACE plan to achieve this? GRACE will rely on the co-operation of 10 partners from across Europe – six implementing partners and four expert partners – to create a set of tailored grounding actions within six research funding and performing organisations (RFPOs). Each RFPO will do this with the assistance of the four expert partners. The grounding actions produced will encourage aspects of RRI in some way. For example, one institution may focus on open access and gender equality or one may look into science education and public engagement, which are components that align with Ecsite’s expertise. Ecsite will act as support to the implementing partners, offering up their knowledge surrounding these domains in foreseeing any potential barriers that may hinder the process.
Implementing RRI requires a contextualised approach, as the location, time and institution involved will determine how RRI can be encouraged. This is why each RFPO will build an individual approach to embed RRI practices into their institution. From here, roadmaps will be created to assist with other future institutions to adopt RRI in a way that suits their institution. Providing flexibility will be key in extending RRI’s longevity and sustainability into the future.
Research is all about creating knowledge. GRACE is looking at ways research institutions can implement RRI, which is about creating knowledge also, but knowledge that is aligned with the values of society. The implementing partners are already hard at work in setting this project in motion. Watch this space.