fbpx Universcience welcomes a European village during the 2018 edition of its Science Festival! | Ecsite

Universcience welcomes a European village during the 2018 edition of its Science Festival!

5 October 2018 - 7 October 2018
  • Festival

To celebrate the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie has invited some of its European partners to the national Science Festival in Paris, France. From October 5th to 7th, some of their best scientific facilitators will host booths in a unique European village in the great hall of the Cité. This free and open for all event will help shining a light on European scientific and technical cultures to our 65,000 expected visitors. The presentations will be multilingual, with several language combinations: German-French, Spanish-French, English-French and Polish-English.

We are delighted to welcome:

Copernicus Science Centre of Warsaw, Poland
Parque de las Ciencias of Granada, Spain
Science Museum of London, England
Universum of Bremen, Germany

These institutions and Universcience are committed with Ecsite to inspiring people with science in Europe.

Find more information on: http://www.cite-sciences.fr/fr/au-programme/evenements/fete-de-la-scienc...



Universcience, the leading French public institution promoting scientific, technical and industrial culture in France, comprises the Palais de la Découverte, the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, leblob.fr, an online scientific information media, "Fablab à l’École", a nationwide cultural and scientific education programme, and the organisation of the "Spring of Critical Thinking" and the "Critical Thinking Barometer", designed to encourage critical thinking.