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New EU project: Sea Change

Sea Change aims to bring about a fundamental “Sea Change” in the way European citizens view their relationship with the sea, by empowering them – as ‘Ocean Literate’ citizens - to take direct and sustainable action towards healthy seas and ocean, healthy communities and ultimately - a healthy planet.

The project started on 1 March. It is coordinated by the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom and Ecsite is a project partner.

Key objectives

  • Compile an in-depth review of the links between Seas and Ocean and Human health based on latest research knowledge outputs
  • Build upon the latest social research on citizen and stakeholder attitudes, perceptions and values to help design and implement successful mobilisation activities focused on education, community, governance actors and directly targeted at citizens. marine education
  • Build upon significant work to date, adopting best practice and embedding Ocean Literacy across established strategic initiatives and networks in order to help maximise impact and ensure sustainability
  • Ensure that efforts to sustain an Ocean Literate society in Europe continue beyond the life of Sea Change through codes of good practice, public campaigns and other ongoing community activities.
  • Ensure knowledge exchange with transatlantic partners to bring about a global approach to protecting the planet’s shared seas and ocean. Sea Change includes a mobilisation phase engaging with citizens, formal education and policy actors.

In the near future Ecsite will be looking for Third Parties to join the project - a call will be sent to Ecsite members.


  • sea change
  • Horizon2020
  • #h2020