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Applications now received until 25 May for Curator to head Reasearch and Collections Unit.
JCOM Masterclasses are 5-days courses in cutting-edge communication of science that will be held in Autumn/Winter 2015-16 in Trieste (Italy) for scientists, museum educators, science communicators but also designers, architects, managers of cultural institutions and other professionals involved in science communication projects. Staff of Ecsite member organisations benefit from discounted rates.
The call is launched in the framework of a project, named “Città della Scienza 2.0 – New Products and Services for knowledge society”, funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research, in the context of the reconstruction process of the new science centre destroyed by the fire.
The Planetarium Science Center (PSC) at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) in collaboration with Intel Egypt and the Ministry of Education (MoE) have organized Intel Bibliotheca Alexandrina Science and Engineering Fair 2015 (Intel BASEF 2015). The competition serves the Egyptian youth as it empowers students ages 14 -18 to conduct a research and present their projects findings under 17 science and humanities themes. To enhance the quality of projects and expand geographically, the PSC in collaboration with the MoE have covered 7 governorates this year.
Haus der Musik is the first Austrian museum to have signed an international license agreement, enabling the creation of an interactive music museum based on the Viennese model. The interactive music museum "Casa de la Música Viena" is located in the capital of the Mexican state Puebla, about 130km southeast of Mexico City, and was inaugurated on January 13, 2015.
The musical education project STAIRPLAY combines an innovative, unconventional approach to music teaching with musical theory content. This new interactive installation allows users to playfully experience and learn about notes and music-making in just a few steps - at every step, in the truest sense of the word.
Last week the Ecsite Board met in Naples (Italy) at Città della scienza, two years after a criminal fire destroyed a large part of the science centre's premices. Choosing Città to host its Board meeting is one of the many signs of support Ecsite has been giving over the past months.
Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milan - Italy
September 20-22, 2015
Deadline for proposals: June 1, 2015
A call for science and technology historians, curators and other professionals in the field of collections and material culture.
On March 5, 2015 artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and Michelin-three-star chef Niko Romito will introduce the new area of the Museum dedicated to aluminium. A permanent exhibition, designed and produced by the National Museum of Science and Technology, with main partner CiAl - Aluminium Packaging Consortium. The exhibition turns the spotlight on a light and energetic material: aluminium.
This year in France for Researchers’ Night, the public massively gets a chance to participate to research.