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Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions 4 May 2016

In May 2012, Hüttinger was awarded the contract for the master plan, schematic design, detailed design and fabrication of the Creation and Experience Gallery within the LSTM in Shenyang, China.

Montpellier University / Service Culture Scientifique 29 April 2016
plush toy bear

Books, stories and objects of real / imaginary bears wanted...

International Centre for Life 25 April 2016
The Brain Zone at Centre for Life

A new exhibition at the Life Science Centre will help us understand what’s going on inside our heads.

The Brain Zone, a new exhibition telling the story of the brain and how it works, revealing some of its secrets and exploring the techniques scientists use to study it, has opened at the Life Science Centre.

The exhibition was funded by the Wellcome Trust, one of the largest biomedical research charities in the world and was officially opened by its Chair, Baroness Manningham-Buller.

NorthernLight Design 21 April 2016

On 21 April the innovative Energetica exhibition, designed by NorthernLight, has opened at science museum NEMO in Amsterdam. The rooftop square of the iconic building will add an extra floor to the museum. Entry to the new exhibition Energetica is free of charge and the exhibition is exclusively dedicated to the elements – sun, water, wind – as a source of energy.

NorthernLight Design 20 April 2016

Experimenta, the popular science centre in Heilbronn, is on a mission to become the most innovative science centre in Germany. The international architectural competition was won by Dieter Schwarz, architects from Berlin. NorthernLight in partnership with Bruns will develop two of the four permanent galleries.

NorthernLight Design 19 April 2016

Nature conservation is an important value in Artis, the olders zoo in the Netherlands. Artis is partner in an international projects to save the threatened Polynesian Tree Snails. Visitors in Artis can see the nursery lab in the renovated design for the Artis Insectarium. Next to the nursery, visitors can learn about the importance and perishing of bees through hands-on and multimedia exhibits.

Dialogue Social Enterprise GmbH 14 April 2016
Dialogue with Time Prologue Dialog with visitors

Dialogue with Time is an interactive exhibition about the art of aging, while challenging stereotypes and giving a glimpse into the society of the future. The guided tour is led by specially trained seniors, who work as ambassadors for the diversity of aging and the extra time that most of us will gain after retirement.

Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions 13 April 2016

In May 2015 we were awared the contract to develop Tunnel Worlds, the new information center at Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) in Steinach, Austria. Tunnel Worlds is an attraction for the local population, both as the starting point for construction site tours and as a fun, hands-on exhibition. The exhibition is structured on two levels on a floor space of 800 smq, including a real mine-shaft, many interactive exhibits which were specifically designed for younger visitors inviting them to actively participate as well as a section for experts.

Swiss Science Center Technorama 30 March 2016
Remo Besio

Former Technorama Director Remo Besio passed away on 14 March at the age of 75. An obituary by Michel Junge, Director of phaeno (Wolfsburg, Germany), who worked with him at Technorama for more than 10 years.

Copernicus Science Centre 30 March 2016

http://ips2016.org/registration Don't wait any longer!!!

Dear Colleagues,

Make sure you register by March 30th to benefit from the early bird rates for the IPS 2016 Conference (June 19-23).

