Dr. Alessandro Blasetti
Science Museum
University of Camerino
Piazza dei Costanti, 7
62100 Camerino (MC)
Camerino, University Science Museum, 12-20 April 2011
For the centenary of superconductivity discovery (Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, 1911) the Science Museum and the Physics division of Camerino University have organized an interactive exhibition which ran from 12 to 20 April 2011. Superconductivity and Applications”, designed and developed by Dr Andrea Perali from the University’s research group on the physics of superconductors and superfluids, has a series of demonstrations on the physics of superconductivity and its technological applications. The exhibition goal was to provide an understanding of the fundamental physical properties of superconductivity and to promote a familiarity with the basis of many superconducting applications for high school students, general public, or experts.
The project was carried through in collaboration with Apogeo Ambiente Ltd who furnished the experimental apparatus. The exhibition received financial support from University of Camerino and from the National Plan for Scientific Degrees, the company ECOPRO Ltd, and the non-profit organisation CAMMAT.