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Museum of London Director Sharon Ament has been appointed Chair of the Mariano Gago Ecsite Awards, a three-year position. She is a long-time advocate of the awards' idea, which she championed when she sat on the Ecsite Board in the name of the Natural History Museum.
After a first successful edition in 2015, the Mariano Gago Ecsite Awards will be taken to the next level in 2016 - stay tuned for details!
Ecsite thanks the Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Physics (LIP), founded by José Mariano Gago in 1986, for their donation towards the awards.
The 2016 Ecsite Strategic Partnership Award recognised extraordinary collaboration between an Ecsite member and an external partner whose work together enabled them to achieve goals neither of them could have reached by themselves alone.
Winner: Tekniska museet, Stockholm (Sweden) for the partnership undertaken with artist Håkan Lidbo on the interactive exhibit “Make Music with Your Whole Body”. Highly Commended: International Centre for Life, Newcastle (United Kingdom) for their partnership built with the Northumbria University.