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See Live the Take-off of the ESA’s French Astronaut, Thomas Pesquet

See Live the Take-off of the ESA’s French Astronaut, Thomas Pesquet.

A Unique Evening at Cité de l’espace: Thursday, 17 November, 2016

Free entry to Cité de l’espace from 5pm

The public can share in a unique event: French astronaut Thomas Pesquet of the European Space Agency starts his first space mission on 17 November, 2016, the PROXIMA mission. Cité de l’espace will provide live coverage to the public of the take-off of Thomas Pesquet and his crewmates, a Russian and an American, from the Baikonur launch site. To take part in this unique moment, Cité de l’espace will welcome the public free from 5pm. All attractions, exhibitions, discoveries and events linked to human space missions will be open until 8pm on 17 November. Then, from 8pm, Cité de l’espace will broadcast, on all screens on site – in the exhibitions as well as conferences and attractions – the live feed of the take-off of the ESA’s French astronaut and his crewmates.

All evening from 5pm: Free access to the Gardens and Exhibitions of Cité de l’espace and:

  • Entry to the new exhibition ASTRONAUTS and its entertainment challenge, with one of our guides, http://www.cite-espace.com/communiques-presse/exposition-astronautes-se-...
  • Find out about the equipment related to Thomas Pesquet’s mission through the “Man in Space” exhibits like the SOYUZ vessel where you can try the seats, the Columbus module of the International Space Station (ISS), the MIR Space Station, the multi-axial training seat, the Moon Runner moon walk simulator …

From 8pm: start of the ESA broadcast of the take-off of Thomas Pesquet at Cité de l’espace

  • Featuring the ESA’s French Astronaut, Philippe Perrin and Jean Jacques Favier and the Cosmonaut, Sergey Volkov and ESA and CNES experts. Hosted by Philippe Droneau, Director of Public Relations for Cité de l’espace
  • Broadcast on all screens throughout Cité de l’espace

9.20pm:live take-off of the SOYUZ rocket with Thomas Pesquet and his crewmates on board

  • Live broadcast from the Baikonur launch site on all screens throughout Cité de l’espace
  • Commentary from Baikonur of Olivier Sanguy, editor-in-chief of Cité de l’espace’s space news site, can be followed @CiteEspace

The broadcast of Thomas Pesquet’s take-off can also be followed live on the web on http://www.cite-espace.com/actualites-spatiales/direct-thomas-pesquet/ or YouTube https://youtu.be/EeseIj7D5Uk

Detailed programme and up-to-the-minute news on http://www.cite-espace.com/evenements/mission-proxima-depart-de-thomas-pesquet/

All information about the Proxima mission http://www.cite-espace.com/actualites-spatiales/proxima-la-mission-de-thomas-pesquet/

This event has been organised by Cité de l’espace in partnership with: the ESA, the CNES, ROSCOSMOS, NASA, ISAE-SUPAERO, The Ministry of Education.

Photos: click on the EXHIBITIONS heading then “temporary exhibitions” http://www.presse.media.cite-espace.com/ and “Prolong your Visit” heading: photos spacecraft, moon rock, MIR Station and ISS Columbus, multi-axial chair, Moon Runner simulator …

Further information:







Cité de l'espace


Located in Toulouse, the European capital of space, Cité de l’espace is a unique, spectacular, and lively place to explore the wonders of space exploration. At the crossroads of education, science, and tourism, Cité de l’espace is also the leading institution in Europe for sharing space and astronomy culture with the general public.