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New high tech exhibits

Are you a natural talent?

At Technopolis young visitors have the opportunity find out which profession(s) would suit them through a set of interactive exhibits. These exhibits are part of Xplora, an entire area dedicated to professions that are meant to capture the attention of 8 to 14 year olds who are bound to make decisions that will greatly influence their future careers. As from 6 November 2017, visitor can also test their 'natural' skills. This high-tech career trip shows them the variety of 'green' jobs.

Through 4 new high-tech exhibits visitors can test whether they are a green talent with a passion for animals. They can “dive” into the forest by experiencing nature in virtual and augmented reality. The new exhibits are filled with surprising high-tech gadgets: visitors can learn how to talk with animals, save baby seals and help toads cross the road in augmented reality. Using special glasses, they can also go on a bird safari at the Zwin, without lifting a finger. In addition visitors are challenged to find out the many uses of wood.

At the end, a forest ranger, a night butterfly specialist, a landscape expert and a regional biologist manager testify (each and every one of them natural talents of the Flemish Agency for Nature and Forests) what their job is all about. They also explain to visitors what they need to study in order to follow in their footsteps.


Technopolis, the Flemish Science Centre

Technopolis endeavours to fascinate everyone with science and technology no matter who or where they are. Up until recently, Technopolis was best known for its popular science centre in Mechelen, which is frequented by especially young families and schools. However, in recent years Technopolis has become a brand for all kinds of activities both inside and outside of Technopolis, both online and offline.