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Hidrodoe opens new Blue Water Garden

On September 17, Hidrodoe, the water experience center in Herentals, officially opened the Blue Water. With this outdoor experience, Hidrodoe shows that after 20 years, they are still unique and original. The message of the Water Garden is: cherish water, every drop counts. It’s a message that is extremely important, for both young and old. Water is scarce and precious, and we still don’t realize that enough.

Alongside Jan De Haes, Provincial Deputy for Tourism and Environment for the province of Antwerp, Mien Van Olmen, Mayor of Herentals, and Eddy Troosters, CEO of Pidpa, the Blue Water Garden was festively inaugurated. The youngest VIPs at the opening ceremony were the children from the first and sixth grades of a primary School in Herentals.

"The message that Hidrodoe conveys is very important," emphasized Jan De Haes. "Water can cause conflicts because it is so valuable. We are so used to having drinking water from the tap, but in many countries, this is not the case. We certainly encourage this awareness that Hidrodoe brings to both young and old from the province’s perspective."

Mayor Mien Van Olmen added: "For more than 20 years, we have been proud of Hidrodoe in Herentals. The location, right next to the river and its unique landscape is inspiring. Over the years, Hidrodoe and the city of Herentals have been able to launch exciting projects together."

The new Blue Water Garden tells the story of a drop of water, from its journey through nature to its eventual use.

What visitors don’t see are the new techniques used for this renovation. "As an innovative water company, we are always looking for sustainable and technological solutions. A few years ago, the idea emerged to make Hidrodoe a closed ecosystem," says Eddy Troosters. "An ambitious idea, but we are now very close to achieving this goal. With solar panels, a heat pump, and especially a closed water circulation system, those ideas have become a reality, and Pidpa is very proud of that."

"This water garden was designed together with children, making it very appealing, family-friendly, and child-oriented. We are incredibly pleased with this new Blue Water Garden," says Hilde De Laet, manager of Hidrodoe.

And the children? They found the new Blue Water Garden most of all fun. With the press of a red button, the Blue Water Garden was officially opened, and the Water Source rose up. The children discovered a slide through water purification, bikes for your water footprint, a climbing course through soil layers, and even a real cloud maker!

The new Blue Water Garden is open year-round. It remains attractive even in the winter, with activities that work in all seasons.


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