fbpx Blue-sky longevity research highlighted in Austria | Ecsite

Blue-sky longevity research highlighted in Austria

Current research has much to say on the subject matter and the European research is often at the forefront particularly then, when it comes to exploring the complex questions of ageing and age-related diseases.

In Europe, the European Research Council (ERC) spearheads a new scientific revolution by funding bottom-up research projects which are truly innovative and highly impactful. Selected longevity research projects have been highlighted in late May in Austria as part of ERC=Science2 campaign.

Yet another stop in a series of many took place at the Institute for Science and Technology Austria. In cooperation with the Ecsite member, Association ScienceCenter-Netzwerk, a full-day science event attracted about 2000 visitors who had an opportunity to explore for instance the latest Alzheimer’s or life expectancy research funded by the ERC. The day culminated with a keynote presentation delivered by an ERC grantee, Bernd Bickel, which shed light on the latest findings in the fields of biomechanics and digital fabrication. A good science engagement event should not leave out hands-on experiments and workshops which tend to prove to be very popular and once again drew a large crowd of students, young people and families.

Following this stop in the central Europe, the project will stick around for another trip to Poland in early summer where another exciting event takes place between June 24 - 25.

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  • ERC
  • sciencesquared
  • ScienceCenter Netzwerk
  • longevity
  • Austria
  • science


Science Center Netzwerk

ScienceCenter-Netzwerk is an Austrian association furthering the understanding of and curiosity for science and technology by means of interactive science centre activities. These aim to fascinate, to motivate thinking ahead and to enable a casual, light-hearted access to sciences and technology for all ages. We aim to make such science center activities more popular, to spread, encourage, improve and investigate them. We achieve this by supporting a network of actors in Austria.