Alessandro Blasetti
Science Museum of Camerino University
Museum System
+39 0737 403100
- Exhibition
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Alessandro Blasetti
Science Museum of Camerino University
Museum System
+39 0737 403100
The Science Museum – Museum System of Camerino University presented on November 25th the exhibition “Rosetta, la cometa e i segreti del cosmo” (Rosetta, the comet and cosmos secrets), which will remain open until the end of May 2015. Rosetta probe mission and scientific experience with its lander module Philae will be shown by interactive panels from ECSITE Space Group, ESA and our University. Trying to answer some questions about “dirty snowballs”, the origin of life on Earth, the cosmos exploration, and much more, will also be presented multimedia applications, videos, animations and exhibits realized in collaboration with the Physics Section of Science and Technology School for “2015 – International Year of Light and technologies based on the light”.