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Member news & events

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12 November 2010 - 12 February 2011
Continium - Discovery Center Kerkrade
Museumplein 2
6461 MA Kerkrade

How speedy are you? Come and discover it in the fastpaced exhibition SPEED: Science in Motion, on display until the 13th of February 2011 in Discovery Center Continium in Kerkrade (NL)! Discover why race cars are so fast, test if you are as fit as a racing driver and try to change a tyre as fast as a real pit crew. Race to the Continium and discover the science of SPEED!

SPEED: Science in Motion is designed by SCITECH, Australia.

18 February 2011
Continium – Discovery Center Kerkrade
Museumplein 2
6461 MA Kerkrade

On Saturday, the 19th of February 2011, the Benelux Finale of the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) will take place in Discovery Center Continium in Kerkrade (NL). Over 300 teams of children between 8 and 15 participated in the various regional finales of the FLL in the Netherlands and Belgium. Of these 300 eams eventually 40 teams managed to place themselves for the grand Benelux Finale. They will prepare their selfbuild robots for the challenge of making it to the Europena Finale.

5 November 2010 - 8 May 2011
Sutherland Street

Picture 20,000 individual LED lights illuminating a tunnel that you can walk through. Now imagine being able to manipulate those lights to follow your every movement.

19 November 2010 - 5 March 2011
Stadhouderslaan 37
NL-2517 HV The Hague

This year’s winning and commended images are on show at Museon. More than 100 prize-winning photographs from 18 competition categories are displayed in large format.

6 December 2010 - 8 December 2010
Biliotheca Alexandrina

More than 120 participants from 10 Arab countries are scheduled to participate in Intel Science Competition Arab World (ISC-AW), which is the Arabic version of Intel International Science and Engineering Fair held in the United States every year (Intel ISEF). Contestants from Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia und the United Arab Emirates will showcase their distinguished science projects in various scientific and social specializations to compete for financial awards totaling $20,000 and scholarships from top Arab universities.

23 April 2010 - 24 April 2010
Archeoclub Camerino

“Courtyards in bloom” has been organized by Archeoclub – Camerino section, in collaboration with the University Natural Science Museum, the Civic Museum, The University Botanical Garden, the Municipality and the Local Trade Association.



Mishkat Interactive Center for Atomic & Renewable Energy 5 November 2018
Abdulaziz Alhegelan

NAMES introduces new President Abdulaziz Alhegelan

NorthernLight Design 26 October 2018

Helping to instigate change

In August 2018 a NorthernLight design team travelled to Sarawak in the Malaysian portion of Borneo. A dynamic state characterized by lush jungles, crystal-clear oceans and abundant wildlife, Sarawak – like every other place on earth – is unfortunately struggling with environmental issues. In a bid to help instigate change, NorthernLight is designing a Children’s Gallery for the island’s new museum.

Inspiring and activating a young audience

NorthernLight Design 26 October 2018

Chow Tai Fook is one of the largest jewelry shop chains in the world. With Loupe, the brand shows its commitment to art and design. Located right at the heart of Hong Kong, Loupe is a design incubation space set up to inspire creativity and provide a platform for local and international designers and artisans to engage with the general public. Loupe’s aim is to provide a creative environment dedicated to the art of jewelry-making and craftsmanship.

Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions 19 October 2018

The guiding idea behind this project is to combine art and science and let them interact with each other. Through this integration of natural sciences and art, the thesis is to be taken up that natural science also has an aesthetic dimension and art also a cognitive dimension.
Hüttinger is giving young, up-and-coming artist Yanran the opportunity to exploit her artistic potential and realize her work with the support of German engineering.

CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics 16 October 2018

On 20th November 2018, join us to face the "elephant in the room".

This year’s TEDx CERN event will explore the transformative scientific innovation that is impacting the world we live in and tackle the incertitude of humanity’s destiny as a species. Where are we going? Will we destroy ourselves? Will we create new selves?

More information here https://tedxcern.web.cern.ch/

Contact us if you're interested in hosting a webcast.

Science Museum Group 12 October 2018

One vacancy at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester (UK). Apply by 31 October.

CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics 10 October 2018

CERN will host its 5th edition of TEDxCERN on Tuesday 20 November 2018. Addressing the Elephant in the room. All Ecsite members are invited to host a live feed.

Science Museum Group 21 September 2018

Academy Programme Leader, Academy Programme Coordinator and Learning Producer. In London, UK. Apply by 10 October

Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions 17 September 2018

In November 2016 we were awarded the contract to design, develop and fabricate 78 interactive exhibits for multiple galleries at the Natural History Museum and the Science & Technology Museum of the newly build Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre (ASCCKW) in Kuwait City.
The development of Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre involved coordination between 96 contractors from 13 countries around the world and the centre‘s opening to the public took place in March 2018.
