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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

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Spokes resource
November 2011 - It follows the previous work (Garnett, 2001). This review summarises and highlights research focused on the impact of science and technology museums, and a variety of science centres, (referred to collectively as Science & Discovery Centres). Comparable evidence from the informal learning sector as a whole including the arts, heritage and cultural sectors has also been included, where relevant.
Education & learning
impact, assessment
Spokes resource
October 2011 - What is on the five-year horizon for museums? A publication by the New Media Consortium
Education & learning
trends, policy, strategy, museums, nmc
Book or article
Research gate cover
Spokes resource
August 2011 - In August 2011, Andrea Bandelli and Elly A Konijn cited the "Decide" platform in a chapter of the book "The Routledge Companion to Museum Ethics: Redefining Ethics for the Twenty-First-Century Museum"
Education & learning
playdecide, museums
Book or article
Spokes resource
June 2011 - This 2011 study (supported by the Noyce Foundation and California Science Center) examined the impact of a single Science Center (the California Science Center) on science learning. By Falk & Needleham in Journal of Research in Science Teaching., 48, 1-12.
Education & learning
science centre, community, impact, learnings
Book or article
Spokes resource
May 2011 - Once one begins looking, quite a large number of psychological obstacles to adequate (carbon-neutral) climate change mitigation and adaptation may be found, argues Robert Gifford. This article published in 2011 in "American Psychologist" arranges 29 of the “dragons of inaction” into seven categories. May–June 2011 ● © 2011 American Psychological Association 0003-066X/11/$12.00 Vol. 66, No. 4, 290–302
Topics in science
climate change, public understanding, psychology, barriers, obstacles, global warming, sustainability
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
April 2011 - The committee of PLACES researchers coordinated by PLACES partner Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, developed the PLACES Impact Assessment Toolkit to measure science communication initiatives and policies.
Education & learning
impact, assessment, PLACES
FUND Summative Evaluation Report Cover
Spokes resource
February 2011 - In April 2011, Dr. Sally Duensing and Dr. Gene Rowe released an Evaluation Report of the FUND project.
Education & learning
playdecide, FUND
Book or article
Spokes resource
February 2011 - Article published in the Public Understanding of Science journal in 2011. By Martin W. B. & Jensen, P. To what extent are scientists involved in PE activities? What proportion of scientists are being mobilized in this manner? And to what depth?
Education & learning
public engagement, science, research, society
Spokes resource
October 2010 - What is on the five-year horizon for museums? A publication by the New Media Consortium
Education & learning
trends, policy, strategy, museums, nmc
Book or article
Spokes resource
June 2010 - This article by Shobita Parthasarathy develops a classificatory framework for analyzing advocacy group strategy in S&T policy domains. It argues that activists’ strategies to break through the expertise barrier can be classified into four categories: deploying established expertise, introducing new kinds of facts, introducing new policy-making logics, and attacking bureaucratic rules. Published in 'Science and Public Policy' in 2010.
EU and governance
activism, experts, expertise, policy
Spokes resource
June 2010 - A report by Chris Mooney published by American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2010. Produced as part of the "Improving the Scientific Community’s Understanding of Public Concerns about Science and Technology" project.
EU and governance
public understanding of science, public engagement, scientists, researchers
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
June 2010 - A pack to support both expert and new explainers in their training. Explored: the role of the explainer / the idea of enquiry-based learning / the development and conduction of debate activities / science shows. Produced as part of EU-funded project Pilots.
Education & learning
explainers, mediation, pilots, training, enquiry-based learning, debate activities, science shows
