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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

Feel free to submit resources for this section. Send all relevant materials with a short explanation about the contents to: communications@ecsite.eu



Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
June 2024 - El debate que pone en valor el juego de PlayDecide permite mantener una conversación simple, respetuosa y basada en la evidencia sobre temas controvertidos. El juego permite a los jugadores familiarizarse con una cuestión, analizarla desde diferentes perspectivas y formar o aclarar su propia opinión al respecto. PlayDecide también invita a los jugadores a reflexionar sobre ciertas problemáticas como un grupo: ¿podréis lograr un consenso positivo? El juego culmina con una votación para argumentar el acuerdo o disconformidad con los posicionamientos políticos.
Education & learning
water, game, circular economy, spanish
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
June 2024 - To Water-Mining PlayDecide Game: Ένα επιτραπέζιο παιχνίδι διαλόγου για τo νερό και τη λειψυδρία στην Ευρώπη. Αυτή η έκδοση είναι ιδανική για μαθητές και μαθήτριες (14-18 ετών) και για ταχύρρυθμα εργαστήρια. Το παιχνίδι δίνει τη δυνατότητα στους παίκτες να εξοικειωθούν με ένα ζήτημα, να το δουν από διαφορετικές οπτικές γωνίες και να διαμορφώσουν ή να αποσαφηνίσουν τη δική τους γνώμη. Καλεί, επίσης, τους παίκτες να εξετάσουν τα ζητήματα ως ομάδα: μπορείτε να καταλήξετε σε μια συναινετική πρόταση;
Education & learning
game, water, circular economy, #sustainability
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
April 2024 - Water-Mining mind-mapping guidelines for teacher or facilitators
Education & learning
Mind maps, water, games, sustainability, education
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
April 2024 - A shorter (crash) version of the Water-Mining PlayDecide Game to spark discussions on issues surrounding water scarcity in Europe. This version is ideal for young learners (14-18 years) and crash sessions. The full version of the PlayDecide game is also available.
Education & learning
water, game, sustainability, deliberation, dialogue, engagement
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
January 2024 - This infographic visualises the results of the comprehensive analysis and the designed conceptual framework for STEAM Education practice. Grounded in the concept of relationality, four theoretical approaches were identified.
Education & learning
infographic, Conceptual Framework, open schooling
Spokes resource
January 2024 - This policy brief outlines all the challenges faced in STEM sectors in Europe such as lack of skilled employees and the persistent underrepresentation of women and marginalised groups in these fields of employment. During the first project year, we identified four main areas for policy recommendations to address these STEM-related issues. Key areas to prioritise are encouraging the uptake of STE(A)M careers, increasing diversity in these sectors, enhancing science and arts literacy, and aligning education with tomorrow’s societal needs.
Education & learning
policy recommendations, STEAM; Roadmap; Policy; Open Schooling
Spokes resource
January 2024 - Find the written summary of the event, including a link to the recordings.
EEEA, environment, climate emergency, biodiversity, environment emergency action, ecsite members, insights live!
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
January 2024 - In the ever-evolving landscape of new and emerging technologies, it can be easy to lose track of the ethics of it all. "Ethics by design" means bringing ethical and societal values into the design and development of such technologies, from the very beginning of the development process. And the truth is everyone can have a say! Wondering how?
Topics in science
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
January 2024 - Innovation is a concept that is often discussed but rarely understood. What is innovation? Is it reserved for the exclusive domain of engineers, or is it up to everyone to shape it?
Topics in science
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
January 2024 - This infographic outlines a set of criteria the Road-STEAMer project has identified to map and analyse STEAM practices in Europe. Equity was identified as an underlying principle and value that supports all STEAM practice and is therefore an all-pervading criterion. The key criteria identified were Collaboration, Disciplinary inter-relationships, Thinking-making-doing, Creativity, Real-world connection, and Inclusion / Personalisation / Empowerement.
Education & learning
open schooling, infographic, Criteria
Purple coloured square with the words "mastering sustainable food services - Insights Live"
Spokes resource
January 2024 - Find the written summary of the event and links to the recordings.
Education & learning
EEEA, environment, climate emergency, biodiversity, environment emergency action, ecsite members, insights live!, restaurants, catering, museon
Blue coloured square with the words "mastering sustainable events - Insights Live"
Spokes resource
January 2024 - Find the written summary of the event, including a link to the recordings and powerpoint presentations.
Education & learning
EEEA, environment, climate emergency, biodiversity, environment emergency action, ecsite members, insights live!, Events, event cycle, Ecsite Conference
