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2. Good reads & Resources
A practice guide and insights from the Collaborative Futures Academy 2024: Emotions in Engagement, CFA Programme team
Evaluations in science communication. Current state and future directions, by Sophia C. Volk, Mike S. Schäfer
Using podcasts to bridge the gap between science communication and specialized scientific fields: a case study of mass spectrometry, by Nayyer Rehman et al.
How to win funding to talk about your science by Hannah Docter-Loeb
“AI is here to stay, so let’s learn to use it responsibly” by Núria Saladié
Storytelling strategies make communication about science more compelling by Emma Frances Bloomfield
GlobalSCAPE: successes and failures in connecting with science communicators around the world, by Joseph Roche, Mairéad Hurley, Eric A. Jensen, Luisa Massarani, Pedro Russo, Aoife Taylor for the Journal of Science Communication
SciComm Conversations: “Engaging the Public on Artificial Intelligence”, by Achintya Rao for COALESCE
Climate change concept association tool, Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS)
How To Tell a Compelling Science Story at CUGH 2024 by Ethan Widlansky for the Pulitzer Center
Guidelines: Climate protection in museums by NEMO
Scaffold: a card game to revolutionise teaching
SciComm Conversations: “Generative AI and Science Communication: Opportunities and Challenges” by Achintya Rao for COALESCE
Education Outside the Classroom, toolkit, online
Confronting misinformation related to health and the environment: a systematic review by Thaiane Oliveira et al. in the Journal of Science Communication
You can’t unsee it – the impact of a good visual for scientific data by postdoctoral researcher Maria Scheel
What to Do If Someone Cloned Your Website? by Notice the elephant
Self-Reflection Tool, developed by Ecsite, Ars Electronica, and MUSEUM BOOSTER in the framework of DOORS – Digital Incubator for Museums project
What's the best way to boost science engagement?, Dr. David McKeown
Let's Share Exhibits - Welcome to our hub for open science communication!
Guidelines for making your conference presentation accessible to blind and partially sighted people, by VocalEyes
How to prepare and deliver more accessible presentations, by Tilting the Lens
Best practices for communicating facts in science journalism, by James Breiner in Journalism Basics
Council Resolution on the EU Work Plan for Culture 2023–2026, Official Journal of the European Union
The KSJ (Knight Science Journalism) Science Editing Handbook
Accessible Social, If you want to make your social media content accessible this is a free resource hub for digital marketers, communications professionals, content creators, and everyday social media users.
Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections, available in 15 languages
Visit Europrivacy for GDPR certification and compliance assessment recognized in all EU jurisdictions.
Check which publishing options are supported by your funder’s OA policy with the Journal Checker Tool
NEMO's report on Museums in the climate crisis
Tackling Misinformation, a collection of research and resources for science engagement professionals
GlobalScape Workshop Materials: Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) in Science Communication
GlobalScape Workshop Materials: Global Relevance in Science Communication
Digital learning and education in museums - Innovative approaches and insights, from NEMO
Bridging the gap: Understanding why scientists find it difficult to communicate their ideas, Andrew M. Petzold, Robert L. Dunbar, Marcia D. Nichols
How the Public Makes Sense of Artificial Intelligence: The Interplay Between Communication and Discrete Emotions, Sukyoung Choi, Chul-joo Lee, Andrew Park, Jung Ah Lee
History of science is essential to science communication, Gregory Good
Media use, interpersonal communication, and personal relevance as external and internal representations of climate change, Sonny Rosenthal and Pengya Ai
Identifying focus areas for science communication training in the context of undergraduate science education, Cathelijne M. Reincke et al.
Bridging science communication and open science—Working inclusively toward the common good, Monique Oliviera et al.
From complexity to clarity: How AI enhances perceptions of scientists and the public’s understanding of science, David M Markowitz
Learning (how) to listen: a key aspect in training future scientists for meaningful dialogue with society, Cathelijne M. Reinckea et al. for the International Journal of Science Education
Teaching to bridge research and practice: perspectives from science communication educators across the world by Siddharth Kankaria et al.
Trust in scientists and their role in society across 67 countries by Viktoria Cologna, Niels G. Mede, Sebastian Berger, John Besley, Cameron Brick, Marina Joubert, Edward Maibach, Sabina Mihelj, Naomi Oreskes, Mike S. Schäfer, and Dr. Sander van der Linden
Inclusion for STEM, the institution, or minoritized youth? Exploring how educators navigate the discourses that shape social justice in informal science learning practices, by Emily Dawson, Raj Bista, Amanda Colborne, Beau-Jensen McCubbin, Spela Godec, Uma Patel, Louise Archer, Ada Mau
Bridging citizen science and science communication: insights from a global study of science communicators, by J. Roche, E. Jensen, A. Jensen, L. Bell, M. Hurley, A. Taylor, C. Boissenin, J. Chase, S. Cherouvis, K. Dunne, J. Kashmina, L. Massarani, J. Planchard, P. Russo & F. Smyth
Harnessing the Power of Communication and Behavior Science to Enhance Society's Response to Climate Change in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, by Edward W. Maibach, Sri Saahitya Uppalapati, Margaret Orr amd Jagadish Thaker
Exploring ‘quality’ in science communication online: Expert thoughts on how to assess and promote science communication quality in digital media contexts by Birte Fähnrich, Emma Weitkamp and J. Frank Kupper
The Notorious GPT: science communication in the age of artificial intelligence, an essay by Professor Mike S. Schäfer from the University of Zurich
The Value of Museums in Averting Societal Collapse, a reflective analysis by Robert R. Janes
Non-White scientists appear on fewer editorial boards, spend more time under review, and receive fewer citations, published in PNAS
Press articles
Pills or paintings? Swiss town lets doctors prescribe free museum visits as art therapy, EuroNews
Ukraine Opens Its First Interactive Mathematics Museum – The Cuboid Museum of Mathematics, President of Ukraine.
Immersive wellness: experience as medicine, Jasmin Jodry
Trump signs executive order to eliminate agency funding museums and libraries, Institute of Museum and Library Services
The 20 most visited museums in Europe, Rebecca Hardy
Science North: inspiring science education locally and globally, Charlotte Coates
The Exploratorium: encouraging exploration, creativity and discovery, Charlotte Coates
Creating a collaborative future between science and society, Harleen Kaur & Sarah Hyder Iqbal
Cut out the jargon when communicating basic science – Report, Desmond Thompson
2024 AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Award Winners Named, Earl Lane, Emily Hughes
Simple science summaries written by AI help people understand research, trust scientists by David Markowitz
Facts alone fall short in correcting science misinformation by Sara Zaske
Science communication should be ‘profession in its own right’ by Nina Bo Wagner
Bridging the Knowledge Gap in Artificial Intelligence: The Roles of Social Media Exposure and Information Elaboration by Wenbo Li et al.
Inclusivity and imagination at La Nube by Lalla Merlin
20 of the best museums & galleries in the Middle East by Rebecca Hardy
Interview: Uncertainty, Science, and Public Health Communication by Dan Falk
Don’t Believe What They’re Telling You About Misinformation by Manvir Singh in the New Yorker
The Challenge of Science Communication in the Age of AI by Carsten Könneker in the Stanford Social Innovation Review
From Talk to Action: Rethinking the Language of Climate Change by Ashley Perl
Achieving sustainable development requires the full inclusion of women and girls in science from the International Science Council
'Indigenous languages are founts of environmental knowledge' by Katarina Zimmer
Space Ambition, ESA Publication
Designing Immersion in Art and Culture, Insights from Artcast4d project, Edited by Davide Spallazzo and Mauro Ceconello
50 essentials on science communication, Edited by Jean-Paul Bertemes, Serge Haan, and Dirk Hans
How Citizens View Science Communication - Pathways to Knowledge, Edited By Carolina Moreno-Castro, Aneta Krzewińska, Małgorzata Dzimińska
Beautiful Experiments - an Illustrated History of Experimental Science, Philip Ball (book review by Marianne Achiam)
Philosophy of Open Science, Sabina Leonelli, open access
Re-presenting Research: A Guide to Analyzing Popularization Strategies in Science Journalism and Science Communication, Florentine Marnel Sterk and Merel M. van Goch, open access
Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice, Vincent Blok, open access
Educational Data Analytics for Teachers and School Leaders, open access
Watch recordings of past PCST Network webinars that capture important international perspectives on science communication
Evaluation of events and programs by the ACT Branch of Australian Science Communicators, 60 minutes, webinar
NEMO Webinar on sustainability in museums, 55 minutes
NEMO Webinar on modern museum practice and climate change, 72 minutes
Science, Pseudoscience & The Need For Critical Thinking, 98 minutes
3. Something different
European citizens’ knowledge and attitudes towards science and technology, key findings of the Eurobarometer survey
Making SciComm Accessible, graphic novel
The Storyology Podcast with Anna Ploszajski
The Revolutionary Role of AI: Turning Complex Biology into Poetry, by Ayanna Amadi
How design can make science captivating, by Louis Charron
Fact-bombing by experts doesn't change hearts and minds, but good science communication can, by Tom Carruthers, Heather Bray & Matthew Nurse
How do science journalists decide whether a psychology study is worth covering?, by Naseem S. Miller
Recipe for success of a science festival, by Madelijn Strick and Stephanie Helfferich - summarised by Sam Ridgeway
The 4 Stages of Conspiracy Theory Escalation on Social Media, by Christine Abdalla Mikhaeil
Understanding the Divide: How Science Influencers Shape Science Perceptions, by Andrea Isabel López
Is it TikTok or global crisis? How the world lost its trust in scientists like me, by Giorgio Parisi
Indigenous Environmental Defenders are critical for nature and for science, but face serious risk, by Krushil Watene and Maria Luisa Acosta
The science media ecosystem — How have journalists' roles changed over the past decade?, by Matthew C. Nisbet
Bridging the Gap: Challenges and Innovations in Science Communication and Research Advancement, Interview with Nishchay Shah, Chief Technology Officer, CACTUS
The true cost of science's language barrier for non-native English speakers by Mariana Lenharo
Bringing art back to science: A tale of two art science programs by Caroline Cencer
PERITIA Podcast: The Trust Race, hosted by Shane Bergin
Interview with Bruno Latour, on Arte
What do scientists gain from engaging in public communications?, from EurekAlert!
Research Adjacent, the podcast about and for people who work around research, but don't actually do the research themselves, by Dr Sarah McLusky