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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

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Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
December 2016 - Two dice & scripts describe how to create playful situations during an RRI (Responsible Reasearch and Innovation) training or workshop. Developed as part of the RRI Tools project (2014-2016).
Education & learning
play, dice, #rri, Responsible Research and Innovation, game, activity, RRI Tools
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
December 2016 - A set of cards that presents different questions, statements & ideas that will foster conversations about different aspects of Research and Innovation (RRI). Developed as part of the RRI Tools project (2014-2016).
Education & learning
game, cards, #rri, dialogue, Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI Tools
Cover of Money Matters
Spokes resource
November 2016 - With this publication NEMO, the Network of European Museum Organisations, follows up on its conference of the same name held in November 2016. The articles introduce and discuss spill-over effects, innovative business models and cooperation strategies for museums and their economies.
museum, economy, good reads, impact
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
November 2016 - The Seeing Nano visualisation tools for Enhanced Nanotechnology Awareness to provide the public with the ability to ‘see at the nanoscale’ and understanding and awareness of nanotechnologies. What nanotype are you? Are you curious or cautious? Are you a supporter or skeptic? Download this nano-profiler to help the user realise your feelings on nano.
Education & learning
Book or article
Figure 1. The science capital holdall - a way of visualising the concept of science capital © Enterprising Science
November 2016 - Feature article by Amy Seakins - Heather King published in Spokes #25, December 2016
What is it, what is it not, and why might it be useful for informal science learning? | Estimated reading time: 15 minutes
Education & learning
science capital, scientific literacy, inclusion, Spokes
Book or article
November 2016 - Interviews published in Spokes #24, November 2016
We asked 10 brave individuals from our field to share their scariest professional nightmares with you | Estimated reading time: 16 minutes (1-2 min per interview)
Topics in science
personal story, nightmare, professional risks, Spokes
Book or article
‘Reversed’ science café in Bonn, Germany, as part of the Sparks project © WILA Bonn
November 2016 - Feature article by Bálint Balázs published in Spokes #24, November 2016
Did a grassroot movement turn into a buzzword for public engagement? | Estimated reading time: 15 minutes
Education & learning
science café, public engagement, trends, policy, dialogue, Participation, Spokes
Book or article
November 2016 - Interviews published in Spokes #25, December 2016
Can museums themselves become laboratories and testbeds for innovation? Should they? | Estimated reading time: 14 minutes (2-4 min per interview)
Education & learning
Spokes, innovation, business incubator
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
November 2016 - You can now download this game that uses flash cards to help build awareness and associations between everyday products and the nanomaterials that are enhancing them. This is one of the resources produced in the framework of SeeingNano. This game was launched in September 2016.
Education & learning
Spokes resource
October 2016 - The Center for the Future of Museums' annual forecasting report, from the American Alliance of Museums. 2012 trends: Crowdsourcing | Threats to Nonprofit Status | Mobile, Pop-up Experiences | Alternate Funding | Creative Aging | Augmented Reality | New Educational Era
Education & learning
trends, museums, center for future of museums, strategy, foresight
Spokes resource
October 2016 - The Center for the Future of Museums' annual forecasting report, from the American Alliance of Museums. 2016 trends: Labor 3.0 | The Spectrum of Ability | Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality | The Struggle over Representation & Identity | Happinesss
Education & learning
trends, museums, center for future of museums, strategy, foresight
Spokes resource
October 2016 - What is on the five-year horizon for museums? A publication by the New Media Consortium
Education & learning
trends, policy, strategy, museums, nmc
