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Hypatia Toolkit

  • May 2017
  • Education & learning
  • Material for workshops and exhibitions
  • Practical guide or toolkit
Hypatia Toolkit

The Hypatia toolkit is a ready-to-use digital collection of activities (modules) aimed at teenagers to be used by teachers, informal learning organisations, researchers and industry.

The aim is to engage young people and especially girls in STEM and in the discovery of the variety of STEM related careers in a gender inclusive way. The toolkit includes a wide range of hands-on activities: workshops with a scientific content, informal discussions and meetings with STEM professionals.

Each module is composed of three guidelines:

  • Explanatory guidelines specific for each activity
  • Guidelines dedicated to the theme of gender inclusion
  • Guidelines with suggestions for the facilitation

The guidelines give practical support and guidance for the users, recommendations on how to debate gender approaches and differences with young people, support and guidance for facilitators on how to overcome their own stereotypes and suggestions on how to manage the group dynamics by implementing different facilitation strategies.

The toolkit is produced in the context of the Hypatia project by five science centres and museums (NEMO Science Museum, Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem, Experimentarium, Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia “Leonardo da Vinci”, Universcience) in collaboration with gender experts, teachers, research industry institutions and teenagers.

Public resource


  • #gender
  • #Toolkit
  • #Activities
  • #School
  • #Museum
  • #Industry



The Hypatia project engaged with 13-18 year old girls both in and out of the school environment. To do this, Hypatia brought science centres and museums, schools, research institutions and industry together with gender experts and teenagers themselves.