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EXTRA, the marketplace for scientific touring exhibitions.

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For rent

The history of the human race has been characterised by dozens of epidemics
and pandemics caused by unknown viruses that we have come to know very well
in recent times.

Floor area
200 - 400m²
World Touring Exhibitions
For rent

Celebrate 100 years of the world's most famous steam locomotive with a stunning new virtual reality immersive experience.

Floor area
50 - 100m²
Science Museum Group
For rent For sale

Set sail on an interactive journey through the quantum world! Explore the history of the atom, discover the secrets of sub-particles, and learn about black holes, quantum computers, and more. An exhibition on the cutting-edge science and technology of the 21st...

Floor area
150 - 500m²
For rent For sale

Explore the impact of climate change on the Earth's delicate balance of the four fundamental forces. Immerse yourself in interactive displays showcasing the carbon cycle and air, water, fire, earth interconnections. Join us in taking action to protect our planet....

Floor area
150 - 500m²