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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

Feel free to submit resources for this section. Send all relevant materials with a short explanation about the contents to: communications@ecsite.eu



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Spokes collection
Maxi Ooh, MUSE'S under 5 space
Spokes resource
September 2019 - Design, exhibitions or architecture: ultimately, all the articles gathered here are about stories.
Exhibition, design, architecture, museography, art&science, storytelling
Spokes collection
Children playing a board game on urban diversity at the BiodiverCITY Exhibition of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Spokes resource
September 2019 - What can science engagement organisations and professionals do to foster more sustainable futures? How do we work with SDGs, "wicked problems" and can we do in practice in our work environments and communities? The articles gathered here (re)-frame these questions and offer some answers.
sustainability, #SDGs, wicked problems, climate change, environment, green
Spokes collection
Anti-vaxxer protest in Melbourne, Australia, 14 September 2017. Pic by Alpha.
Spokes resource
September 2019 - Post-truth, misinformation, anti-science, fake news or fabricated 'controversies'... what do these trends mean for science engagement? Discover a body of articles tackling these complex questions.
post-truth, post-fact, misinformation, fake news, dialogue, controversy, alternative facts
Spokes collection
The Electrick Show, Pop-up Heureka
Spokes resource
September 2019 - A bundle of articles exploring face to face interactions in science engagement: festivals, science shows, explainers, dialogue events...
facilitation, explainers, public engagement, festivals, science shows, Events, programmes
Spokes collection
Module of artificial selection and the domestication of the dog. It highlights the wolf and shows its legacy hung over him.
Spokes resource
September 2019 - What are the powers and the politics of objects in science engagement? This is what the articles gathered here are exploring.
collections, objects, specimens, artefacts, museums, curators
Spokes collection
Laying the foundations of Heureka's new building - Photo by Jussi Helo
Spokes resource
September 2019 - Articles gathered here unpack the history, identity and role of science centres and museums and look ahead: how should they involve to keep serving the societies they are rooted in?
science centre, science museum, future, past, history, #Ecsite30, impact
Spokes collection
On the hunt for that special object that will encapsulate your museum experience at the Science Museum shop, London.
Spokes resource
September 2019 - A corpus of articles on branding, marketing, corporate partnerships and sponsorships.
marketing, branding, sponsorship, partnership, fundraising
Spokes collection
Museum professionals at the 2017 London Pride. Photo by Dan Vo (Twitter: @DanNouveau)
Spokes resource
September 2019 - How can science engagement be truly inclusive? Browse through articles that explore different paradigms of equity and inclusion, as well as pieces dealing with specific issues or audiences.
inclusion, exclusion, equity, gender, audiences, society, access, accessibility, women, girls, LGBTQ, refugees
Spokes collection
Soon, cashiers and ticket desks will be a thing of the past.
Spokes resource
September 2019 - What are the ingredients of a healthy public-receiving organisation? From business planning to personnel to ticketing, cafés or green roofs, articles gathered here take you behind the scenes in the search for inspiring practice.
operations, human resources, HR, logistics, ticketing, visitor experience, management, personnel
Spokes collection
Examples of different styles of app signage
Spokes resource
September 2019 - A series of articles on all things digital: strategies, interactives, data analysis, apps, web...
Digital, media, data, app, web, online
Spokes collection
Commissioner Carlos Moedas holding the Lamy report at a press conference on 7 June 2018. © European Union, 2018.
Spokes resource
September 2019 - A corpus of articles about science policy and the governance of scientific research, as well as pieces interrogating the role of science engagement in policymaking and public affairs.
EU and governance
policy, advocacy, politics, EU, governance
RELx Resource Centre
Spokes resource
September 2019 - An interactive platform by RELX Group, Elsevier’s parent company, featuring multimedia content and research by scientific, legal and business experts.
Topics in science
SDGs, tool, online platform, research, library
