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Tools & resources

In this section you will find useful documents and information on science engagement in general, and Ecsite activities in particular. Browse through articles, toolkits, reports, websites...

Feel free to submit resources for this section. Send all relevant materials with a short explanation about the contents to: communications@ecsite.eu



Book or article
Spokes resource
March 2022 - Feature article by Catherine Franche - Maria Xanthoudaki published in Spokes #42, March 2025
Re-inventing your magazine in line with the new Ecsite strategy
Ecsite corporate documents
Spokes, Ecsite strategy
Practical guide or toolkit
The Heureka planetarium in the colours of the national flag of Ukraine
Spokes resource
March 2022 - A collection of ways in which the science engagement network is working to support those affected by the attack on Ukraine. This resource will be updated and evolve over the coming weeks. If you would like to share your ideas and actions on ways in which you and/or your organisation is helping to support Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, please email communications@ecsite.eu with a short summary and any links and photos to be included.
war in Ukraine, attack on ukraine, ukraine, support
Material for workshops and exhibitions
Spokes resource
February 2022 - EU-Citizen.Science ended on a high note with a final event, co-organised with ACTION project.
Education & learning
citizen science
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
January 2022 - This Public Engagement training has been organised as part of the EU-funded GRACE project’s activities related to the RRI key of Public Engagement. Four online training sessions on Public Engagement were held for the staff of the project partners between October and December 2021, with the aim of providing them with the knowledge, strategies and reflection to feel empowered about this topic and take action in their own organisations.
Education & learning
RRI, Responsible Research and Innovation, public engagement, science, open science
Practical guide or toolkit
Image of the Webb Space Telescope on an Ariane 5. Copyright ESA/ D. Ducros
Spokes resource
November 2021 - In the last months ESA has produced a wide range of resources that can be used by museums and science centres in supporting their activities to discover, promote and organise events on this next mission.
Topics in science
ESA, webb, jwst, james webb space telescope, launch, nasa, csa
GRACE final webinar: Public Engagement from the Research Funders' perspective
Spokes resource
November 2021 - Public engagement is emerging – alongside other RRI dimensions – as a key component in how research funding organisations are working to ensure that research is societally relevant and impactful: an explicit evaluation criterion in the awarding of research funding, or included as a requirement for qualitative research, or incentivised through other schemes and awards.
public engagement, Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI, open science
GRACE final webinars: Making the case for Public Engagement
Spokes resource
November 2021 - Public engagement is a foundational key of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), having a crucial role to play in the establishment of bonds between science and society based on trust, two-way dialogue, and long-term thinking. This webinar, organised as part of the GRACE project's final webinar series, asked how value is created and demonstrated at different levels for a strong case for public engagement.
public engagement, Responsible Research and Innovation, RRI, open science
Book or article
Spokes resource
October 2021 - How do you present when nobody has to listen to you? Emotionally engaging presentations are hard to ignore. Read Paul McCrory's new book - also available as a free access text until the end of October 2021.
Education & learning
hook your audience, engaging audiences, educational presentations
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
October 2021 - An academic writing group composed of museum staff has created a handbook to encourage and aid museum professionals in extending their communication skills so that they may convey their work in academic writing and take ownership of how their field is portrayed in the published literature.
Education & learning
academic writing, museum communicators, h2020, Quest
Book or article
Spokes resource
September 2021 - Based on the SISCODE experimentation, this book presents a critical analysis of the co-design processes activated in 10 cocreation laboratories addressing societal challenges across Europe.
Topics in science
Practical guide or toolkit
Spokes resource
September 2021 - Check out this handy guide, full of tips and tricks on submitting a successful session proposal for the 2022 Ecsite Conference
#Ecsite2022, call for proposals
Spokes resource
September 2021 - The Ecsite Space Group members met again online on the 18th, 22nd and 23rd June. In the pick moment we were 37 participants around the globe. The participants got the chance to catch up informally, share their projects and hear about the current and upcoming activities of the European Space Agency.
#ecsitespace #esa
