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We are delighted to announce that on Dec. 2nd the proposal for a new Ecsite Thematic group : REV (Thematic Group for Research and Evaluation) was accepted by the Ecsite Board.
Holly Hasted and Anne Kahr are the ones that took the lead to follow up a conversation that began in Dortmund during the Ecsite 2010 Conference. It was a conversation about the need for a Thematic Group focussing on Evaluation and Research within the Ecsite Network.
The group will officially be launched during the Evaluation Pre-Conference Session in Warsaw.
We are delighted to announce that on Dec. 2nd the proposal for REV (Thematic Group for Research and Evaluation) was accepted by the Ecsite Board. The idea for REV evolved during conversations at the Ecsite Conference in Dortmund about the need for a thematic group focussing on evaluation and research within the Ecsite Network.
The group will officially be launched during the Evaluation Pre-Conference Session in Warsaw 2011. In the spirit of evaluation, you are invited to respond to a quick survey about your needs and vision for the group.
The Directors’ Forum is an event for the directors of all Full Members of Ecsite to come together and tackle key questions in our field. Faced with an ever-changing society and economy, how do science centres and museums adapt to the challenges that these changes bring? Among the the Natural History Museum’s awe-inspiring 70 million specimens, we will look at the types of change that affect us, and the changes we make as an institution.
See the Directors’ Forum page for more details.
In October at the Science Gallery in Dublin TWIST (Towards Women in Science and Technology) partners met to review the survey responses from over 100 institutions from across Europe and other countries along with other in-progress TWIST activities.
Ecsite presents discussion games on migration at the IDEA conference
The International Debate Education Association (IDEA) in cooperation with the Open Society Youth Initiative are organising a two-day conference on 19-20 November 2010 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
In the last months, several new Decide kits have been developed and made available on the website. Some are "classic" decide kits on new topics; others are innovative ways to transform the Decide format to address new audiences and create new dialogue and engagement opportunities.
FUND encourages collaborations and networks at local level to create democratic dialogue and engagement activities with science.
The Pilots project has now published its Resource Pack, complete with the best of the explainer training activities developed for the Pilots project, all described in detail step-by-step, with a strong focus on the theoretical background, and complete with a set of handouts and presentations.
Pilots is a 2-year project, coordinated by Ecsite, which aims to update the status of the explainer in science centres and museums.
As part of an ongoing professionalisation process, Ecsite has been gradually working to improve its governance. In this context, the Board of Ecsite decided to review the statutes, particularly regarding the system of election of the President and the membership criteria.
The Pilots project fourth training workshop will take place at the DASA, Dortmund, Germany, June 1st – 2nd, before the opening of the Ecsite Annual Conference.
Digital Spokes magazine
Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.
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