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Wanted: new Conference Programme Committee members

ACPC members March 2018
ACPC members checking out venues of the 2019 Ecsite Annual Conference in Copenhagen, during a September 2017 meeting.

Each year 1,100 attendees gather for Europe's largest professional event in the field of science engagement, the Ecsite Annual Conference. Contribute to shaping future conferences: apply to become a member of the Annual Conference Programme Committee (ACPC).

The ACPC brings together science engagement experts, representatives of past, present and future conference hosts and Ecsite staff. The ACPC is in charge of the conference’s format and programme, while each year the local host takes care of social events and logistics.

Feels like something you'd like to be part of? This call is open to staff of Full Ecsite members.

Particular areas of expertise needed

The Committee will be needing new members with expertise on or experience in:

  • Education, evaluation, academia
  • Digital and new media
  • Operations, management, explainers

Two transversal qualities are also important for Committee members: creativity and ability to build and sustain partnerships. Having a wide professional network in the science communication field can also be a plus. Overall, the Committee needs balance of expertise, geographic origins, genders, types & sizes of organisations. Take a look at the composition of the ACPC here to see how your profile could fit.

What being on the Committee entails

ACPC members serve for a mandate of three years, renewable once.

There are four meetings per year, taking place in different locations:

  • In November or early December, all received session proposals are reviewed in a three day meeting usually taking place in Brussels.
  • In March or April members usually gather in the city of a future conference edition, for a two day meeting.
  • During the conference itself, members attend a lunch meeting together on the conference's last day. All members have a few duties during the conference, like running evaluation interviews, presenting keynote speakers or welcoming newcomers at the Newcomers' breakfast.
  • In September, we gather for 1.5 or 2 days and mostly discuss the previous edition's evaluation.

Between meetings, Committee members' most time-consuming duty is to read and pre-rate all 100-150 received conference proposals in advance of the November meeting. They are also punctually involved in specific task forces.

Members cover their own travel and accommodation expenses and unfortunately being an ACPC member does not grant you a free registration to the conference. The networking and learning are invaluable, however!

How to apply

Fill in this application form by 30 June. Note that one of the questions entails feedback about the 2018 Ecsite Annual Conference: make sure you're there - and wait until after the conference to apply.

Save the date: if you're selected, the first meeting you'll attend will be taking place at Heureka (Finland), on 3-4 September (lunch to lunch).

Want to know more? Email Ecsite's Communications and Events Manager Julie Becker who will put you in touch with a current member.


  • Ecsite annual conference
  • acpc