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Top-Tips - Marjana Brkić

This month we hear top tips from Marjana Brkić Programme Director at the Centre for the Promotion of Science.

Listening -

Benjamin Clementine - Adios

Benjamin is a great poet and musician, with his voice, he conveys deep thoughtful messages, so I love to feel melancholic listening to him.

Reading -

The School of Life - How to survive the modern world

The School of Life gives such a refreshing view to everyday issues in our lives, their book How to survive the modern world blends history of art, philosophy and psychology to explain better anxieties the modern world brings us. While reading their books I always feel calm!

Following -

The Paris review instagram, which brings daily interesting quotes from writers. The Paris review is generally one of the most inspiring quarterly magazines to me, that combines art, prose, interviews and is aimed to read it slowly with the first morning sun.

Things keeping me up at night -

Mostly kids, but sometimes creative ideas related to work. My mind makes great stories on its own during the night, so I love to be woken up like this in the middle of the night, and be one on one with my ideas.

Somewhere I've been to recently -

My last trip was to New York City, I strolled around the city for a few days, with my analogue camera, taking shots, and enjoying the hectic part of it, listening to its sounds, and following the clouds as they moved on the glass windows of skyscrapers.

Somewhere I'm planning to go -

I am planning to visit Tbilisi in May, always wanted to see this city surrounded by mountains.